- On Cost Item Setup in Educational Cost Assessment 浅析教育成本核算的成本项目设置
- educational cost assess 教育成本核算
- Unit educational cost, student affordability, and investment return rate are important factors in setting the tuition. 研究生生均培养成本、居民的可支付能力和接受教育的收益率是影响研究收费标准制定的主要因素。
- The paper study mostly educational cost of kindergarten of meaning , cost sort and frame, object of cost business accounting, etc. 因此,对幼儿教育成本的研究与核算是关系到当前幼儿教育可持续发展的一项重要课题。 本文研究的内容包括幼儿教育成本的内涵、成本的分类与结构、成本项目以及成本核算对象等等。
- Education costs money,but then so does ignorance. 教育需要化费钱;无知照样化费钱.
- Education costs money, but then so does ignorance. 教育需要花费钱,无知照样花费钱。
- If be service industry bill, you collect client business tax 5% , city building duty 1% , educational cost is additional 3% , if have profit, pay enterprise income tax even 15% , what I say is Shenzhen, other place was not clear about. 假如是服务行业发票,你收客户营业税5%25,城建税1%25,教育费附加3%25,假如有盈利,还要交企业所得税15%25,我说的是深圳的,别的地方就不清楚了。
- Teach academic student to the network, can collect fees by educational cost, its rate and method concern a regulation to sign up for school seat to collect fees by the country by the school after management department is approved hold row. 对网络教育学院的学生,可按教育成本收费,其收费标准和办法由学校按国家有关规定报学校所在地收费治理部门批准后执行。
- They include the splitting of the students educational cost, the scale on which to recruit students, and the benefit from the quantity and quality of higher education. 高等教育的可持续发展不仅表现在学校规模的扩张上,更是体现在学生质量的提高中,是人才培养质与量的有机统一。
- The difference of economical performances between a Shanghai diesel powered and a CNG powered bus is investigated by using life cycle cost assessment method (prices in 2003). 利用生命周期成本评估方法对上海市柴油和CNG公交车的经济性能进行了评价(2003年价格)。
- E. students was analyzed and its cost calculation was given to get the family-support education cost per period is 28.29 yuan. 并对其进行了成本核算。得出家庭教育成本每学时为28.;29元。
- Feasibility demonstration of real estate project should be based on survey and fore casting of the real estate market plot of real estate project, investment and cost assessment, income assessment and financing of real estate. 房地产项目可行性论证应在房地产市场调查与预测、房地产项目策划、房地产项目投资与成本费用估算、房地产项目收入估算与资金筹措的基础上进行,主要包括市场可行性论证和财务效益可行性论证两大部分。
- Search for a program or school, determine your education costs - and more. 寻找一个合适的课程或学校,确定你的教育成本-及更多。
- With the development of mass higher education and the increase of education cost in the recent years,tuition reform in high education have taken place in many countries. 近年来,随着高等教育大众化的深入发展以及教育成本的不断增加,许多国家掀起了新的高等教育收费改革,英国高等教育收费改革以其涉及面之广、阻力之大、立场之坚定而备受各国关注。
- She reckoned she had cut her cost by half. 她估计她减少了一半的费用。
- She skirted round the problem of the high cost. 她避而不谈巨额费用问题。
- educational cost of universities 高校教育成本
- The cost of travel to the far east is prohibitive. 到远东旅游的费用高的令人不敢问津。
- Congress has approved the new educational budget. 国会通过了新的教育预算。
- In point of cost, we'll have to discuss it at the next meeting. 至于费用方面,我们只好留到下次会议再讨论。