- educational aims and means 教育的目的与手段
- The Educational Aim and Its Realization 大学教育的宗旨及其维护
- It mainly introduces selected topic aims and meanings, study method in the writing course and study trends synopsis in today historiography field. 主要介绍本篇论文的选题目的和意义,以及在本论文写作过程中运用的研究方法和对于这一选题在当今史学界的研究动态之简介。
- Charter one is the preface to declaim concisely the research aim and meaning for this thesis. 从库存控制和管理的基本理论介绍开始,分析了供应链管理理论产生的背景和供应链管理的基本理论。
- The officer slowly took aim and shot the prisoner in cold blood. 法警慢慢地瞄准,残忍地向囚犯射击。
- He is forced to bush about for ways and means to pay his rent and charges. 他被迫设法筹款来偿付他的房租和各种费用。
- He may be stupid and mean, but his one saving grace is his humour. 他虽说又愚蠢又吝啬,但他有幽默的长处。
- A constitution lays down the manner and means by which a state is governed. 宪法规定治理国家的方式方法。
- Through analyzing a amount of data about the successful experience of NCAA and CUBA, the authors hope to explore the aim and meaning of army college unit basketball, point out the questions and look into its prospect. 通过对我军篮球界专家的调查访谈,在大量查阅文献资料的基础上,以NCAA,CUBA的成功经验为启示,探索在我军院校举办篮球联赛的意义,并提出当前军校篮球联赛存在的一些问题及未来发展前景。
- First:Putting forward the aim and meaning of researching vibromill The paper introduces two ways of superfine grinding, the present smash facilities, and their uses, advantages and disadvantages. 一.;提出了研究振动磨的目的和意义 介绍了超细粉碎的两种方法,目前的粉碎设备以及其各自的用途和优缺点,主要针对所研究的振动磨作了详细的介绍:它的发展历史、国内外的研究现状、其突出的优点、目前国内关于振动磨研究的不足,并针对此列出了论文将要完成的工作。
- In the course of teaching, we, first of all, should be clear about the aim and meaning of study, do well in guiding them from the very beginning, and finally change their attitudes fro... 在课程应用中首先要明确研究性学习的目的、意义,在整个学习过程中老师应从始到终做好指导性工作,实现从“要我学”到“我要学”的转变。
- Courtesy costs little and means much. 礼节并不失去什么却获益甚多。
- I tried to aim and hit at anything I heard. 我只要听到什么,就用石头砸。
- He explored ways and means of solving the question. 他寻找解决问题的方法。
- He took careful aim and fired at the rabbit. 他仔细瞄准, 然后向兔子开枪射击。
- It was easy for him with his time and means. 就他的时间和经济来说,这事对他是很容易办的。
- Education aims at removing fetters from the mind. 教育的目的在于解除思想的枷锁。
- Varied ways and means of philately II. 多姿多彩的集邮方式2。
- All that is lacking in Britain today is unity of aim and action. 今天英国所缺乏的是目标和行动的统一。
- Everyone suggested ways and means. 人人献计。