- Education Value Adding Hotline Epi. 教育升值专线。
- As a high level culture education, moral education values the wakefulness and the development process of subjects in the cultural ecology. 育是高层次的文化教育,注重的是文化生态中主体的觉醒与主体的发展过程。
- For thousands of years, the people about education values all sorts of arguments,most have representatively mainly have these two viewpoints,individual standard theory with the social standard theory. 千百年来,人们关于教育价值观的种种争论,最具代表性的主要有这两种观点:个人本位观和社会本位观。
- On the Educational Value of Wushu in College P.E. 浅析武术在我国学校体育教育中的价值。
- The old education value chain in developing countries was anchored around textbooks and other published material. 发展中国家旧的教育价值链固定在教科书和其他出版物附近。
- Sadly, they fail to realize that these very admirable educational values are equally consistent with the teaching of phonics. 可惜他们不了解,这些令人钦佩的教育价值和自然发音教学法绝无扞格之处。
- Firstly, what is educational value and quality of film course? 首先,探讨电影的教育价值。
- The educational value of a movie can not be neglected. 电影的教育价值不能被否定。
- I like those kinds of programs too. They`re very interesting and informative. I think that many people underrate the education value of TV. 我也喜欢这类节目.;这类节目极为有趣和并且能增长见识
- In the developmental courses of genetics and evolutionism, scientists have used many scientific ways which have very high educational values for scientific realization. 在遗传学和进化论的发展过程中,科学家运用了多种科学方法,具有很高的科学认识教育价值。
- The way of life Olympism intends to build up is based on fun in struggle, education value of excellent example and basic canonization of general theory. 奥林匹克主义所要建立的生活方式是以奋斗中体验到的乐趣、优秀榜样的教育价值和对一般伦理的基本推崇为基础的。
- Education value, education function and education aim are essential issues in education field, and are also starting point of education practice. They are dialectic and uniform. 摘要教育价值、教育功能和教育目的是教育理论领域中的最基本的问题,也是教育实践工作的起点,三者之间是辩证统一的关系。
- Education should be geared to the children's needs and abilities. 教育应适应儿童的需要和能力。
- Education should not be restricted to any one specific age group. 教育不应限制在任何特定的年龄组上。
- Teachers' good amenity and culture have important educational value. 教师良好的礼仪修养具有重要的教育价值。
- Many people use education as a steppingstone to a better life. 许多人将教育作为赢得更好的生活的手段。
- He was elected chairman of the education committee. 他当选为教育委员会主任委员。
- The educational value of playtime is a natural process that need not be forced. 娱乐时间的教育价值是一个很自然的过程,不需要强迫。
- The Yokohama Datong School reflects not only the different educational values between reformists and revolutionaries, but the ups and downs of politics in late Chinese Qing Dynasty. 日本大同学校的创立不仅反映了革命派与维新派的不同教育价值观,也折射出清末政治的潮起潮落。
- Education develops potential abilities. 教育能开发人的潜能。