- education through interact 网络教学
- Education through broadcast media jW! 空中教育!
- We hope to carry out civic education through various activities. 通过成人仪式,强化学生依法享有公民的权利和义务的意识。
- Education through labor is not a criminal but an administrative punishment. 劳动教养不是刑事处罚,而是行政处罚。
- Begin primary education through evening school of sparetime school, culture. 通过业余学校、文化夜校开展初等教育。
- EOP exert many effects through interaction with other transmitters. EOP与其它递质相互作用对脑缺血产生多种影响。
- Publicize education through these, the worker understood agonistic content, understood agonistic cause.. 通过这些宣传教育;职工了解了竞赛的内容;清楚了竞赛的目标...
- It is an important task to see nation-area country education through for socialistic new country. 办好民族地区的农村教育,是建设社会主义新农村的一项重要任务。
- The best way to develop ideas is through interacting with your fellow managers. 酝酿想法的最佳办法是同你们的经理人员交流。
- The Government continues to promote the development of quality kindergarten education through upgrading the qualifications of kindergarten principals and teachers. 政府继续致力提高幼稚园校长和教师的资格,以推广优质幼稚园教育的发展。
- After the display of the student's acting prowess, we were led to the school computer lab, named "ETC" - Education Through Computers. 在参观完学生们活力四射的展示后,我们来到了学校的计算机实验室“ETC”(计算机辅助教育)。
- The second poind is about the importance of learning through interaction. 第二是在交谈中学习的重要性。
- We can achieve a sound effect of moral education through integrating it with our teaching contents in the teaching process. 在教学过程中,结合课程内容对学生渗透思想教育,可以取得潜移默化的育人效果。
- We should grasp the features of MPA education through drawing lessons from foreign MPA education to improve MPA education of China. 强调我们要在借鉴国外MPA教育经验的基础上,把握MPA教育的特点,以进一步完善MPA教育的方式,促进MPA教育的工作。
- releasing pressure through interact 网络释压
- In order to get some references about the practices and layouts of distance education through theoretical analysis approach. 二、探究我国远距教育之背景因素、政策、实施机构及实施现况。
- Person who has recognized outstanding and distinguished contribution to the I.T. in Education through the recommendation of the Executive Committee. 任何在资讯科技教育有公认之突出及优越贡献,并经本会执行委员会推荐。
- Mission AITP offers opportunities for Information Technology (IT) leadership and education through partnerships with industry, government and academia. 任务 AITP向信息技术( IT )领导和教育通过合作关系向机会提供工业,政府和学术界。
- And, finally, we have questions from Iran, Afghanistan and Indonesia about how to pay for an education through loans or jobs. 最后,还有自伊朗,阿富汗以及印度尼西亚的人询问关于如何通过贷款和工作来支付学费。
- No doubt,through interactions among themselves,most Singaporeans have formed habits of civilized conduct. 无可置疑,大部分的新加坡国民在公共生活中互相影响和互相监督,已经自发地养成文明习惯,讲秩序,守纪律。