- education opportunity costs of individuals 教育个人机会成本
- education opportunity costs 教育机会成本
- Cost of Raising Money or Opportunity Cost? 是筹资成本还是资金机会成本
- Media Moralities:Competency? or Opportunity Cost? 媒体道德:竞争力?还是机会成本?
- They have tended to assume increasing opportunity costs. 他们往往假定机会成本是递增的。
- Shadow discount rate The opportunity cost of capital. 影子贴现率资本的机会成本。
- But is learning moderately good Chinese worth the opportunity cost? 但是,把中文学到一般的水平值得花那么多时间吗?
- The opportunity cost measures the tradeoff that each of them faces. 机会成本就为衡量他们的选择提供了一种标准。
- The alternative forgone is called the opportunity cost. 这种选择性的放弃就叫做机会成本。
- Opportunity cost is the value of the best alternative forgone. 状态 离线 会考都要讲ne句野ga?
- Opportunity cost is the highest value option forgone. 机会成本咪就系放弃中价值最高的选择呀!知吗!
- They will be seperated from their parents, eat badly, sleep badly, be abused, let alone any education opportunity. 他们将与父母分离,吃得差,睡得差,被虐待,更不用说任何接收教育的机会。
- Opportunity cost is the cost you must forgo while gaining some other thing. 机会成本是你为获取某种东西时所要放弃的成本。
- The opportunity cost of holding money, rather than other assets, decreases. 是财产的机会成本在减少,而不是其他资产在减少。
- The program will particularly benefit Black women, for whom higher education opportunities have been severely limited. 这项活动尤其会使黑人妇女受益,对她们来说高等教育机会已被极大地限制
- The opportunity cost of an item is what you give up to get that item. 机会成本就是你为了得到这个项目而要放弃另外一个项目。
- Properly administering the needs of special education is an important part of promoting equal educational opportunity. 特殊教育之办理,也是促进教育机会均等的重要工作。
- Conant's strong desiring for Equality of Education Opportunity not only met the needs of American society and the reform of education in the world, but also was the result of his profound understanding on the function of education. 科南特对教育机会均等的执着追求不仅是美国社会和世界教育改革潮流的要求,也是其自身对教育功能深刻认识的结果。
- The real cost approach has been largely superseded by the opportunity cost approach to international trade. 实际成本说已基本上为国际贸易的机会成本说所取代。
- Unrealistic expectations have resulted in increasing demands that ignore the opportunity costs of public programs. 不切实际的期望导致需求的增长,而忽略公共项目的机会成本。