- Yeah ,the outdated education model no longer exists. 是啊,原来旧式的教育模式不存在了。
- Compeer mental tutorship is a kind of school mental health education model. 朋辈心理辅导是一种学校心理健康教育模式。
- The "double-track" education model of Juris Master and Master of Laws fails to achieve the goal of the designer. 法学硕士和法律硕士“双轨制”教育模式没有达到设计者的预期目标。
- Conclusion: Compared with the traditional education model, PBL model is of significance in modem medical education. 结论:PBL与传统的医学教育模式相比具有突出的优势。
- But people are looking beyond the traditional business education model, which involves hours in the classroom and relies primarily on book learning. 传统商业教育使人陷于书本和课堂之中。
- Objectives: To discuss the difference of PBL model and traditional education model in obstetrics and gynecology education. 目的:探讨PBL教学法与传统教学模式的教学效果差异。
- The electrotechnics &electronics experiment education center of our school has been selected into the National Level Experiment Education Model Center. 摘要该校电工电子实验教学中心被评为首批国家级实验教学示范中心。
- Objective To explore an effective way of AIDS education for college students,and to provide reference for AIDS education model in colleges in China. 目的探讨对大学生进行艾滋病教育的有效方式,为研究适合我国高校的艾滋病教育模式提供参考。
- A design,diagnosis and evaluation model for health education model for health education projects,PRECEDE,by American famous health education expert Lawrence W. 美国著名健康教育专家lawrence W.;Green 提出的健康教育项目设计PRECEDE 诊断评价模式;站在社会健康的宏观高度;全面规划健康教育内容、方式与作用环节;并从项目设计开始就将监测评价纳入项目内容。
- WebPlay today announced its receipt of an Arts in Education Model Development and Dissemination (AEMDD) Grant from the United States Department of Education. WebPlay今天宣布,它收到了美国教育部“利用艺术进行教育模式开发和传播”(AEMDD)项目的拨款。
- In recent years,Dalian Library implements a number of explorations and attempts in the aspect of social education,forming a distinctive social education model. 近年来,大连图书馆在拓展图书馆的教育功能方面进行了诸多探索和尝试,形成了具有特色的社会教育模式。
- A new education model will be generated.This model integrate computer and other information technology into education.It will embody the essence and multiform of education. 这种新的教育模式会将计算机和其他信息技术融于教育之中,并体现出教育的本质和教育的多元性。
- On the basis of analyzing investigatory data, author make a summary that in Nanjing the community preschool education model centering in kindergarten has been shaped. 在对调查资料分析的基础上,研究者总结出南京市社区学前教育的现状,即初步形成了以幼儿园为中心的社区学前教育模式。
- During 2006-07, COMBABY has developed early education model projects in the respective cooperation with Jiangsu Taizhou government and Shandong yanggu government. 新爱婴推动中国早期教育学术的进步,新爱婴在上海华东师范大学、上海外国语大学设立了两个教研基地,从事早期教育项目研发。
- The three-driving spiral dynamic structure of character development enlightens us that it is necessary and important to form an integrated and harmonious ethical education model. 品德发展的三驱螺旋动力结构,启示我们必须建立一个整体的和谐的道德教育模式。
- The electrotechnics & electronics experiment education center of our school has been selected into the National Level Experiment Education Model Center. 该校电工电子实验教学中心被评为首批国家级实验教学示范中心。
- The educational model of teacher will be on the way to legality, vocationization, and higher level. 教师教育模式将走上法制化、业化、层次和职前教育与职后教育一体化的轨道。
- The second part, introduced moves towards the understanding the language reading educational model rationale. 第二部分,介绍走向理解的语文阅读教学模式的理论基础。
- Education should be geared to the children's needs and abilities. 教育应适应儿童的需要和能力。
- Education should not be restricted to any one specific age group. 教育不应限制在任何特定的年龄组上。