- Higher education marketization is one of the development trends of higher education in the world. 高等教育市场化是当今世界各国高等教育的基本发展趋势之一。
- Now ESCC is one of the leading providers of distance learning courses on Russian education market. 现在欧洲函授学校在俄罗斯教育市场是一个领先的远程学习课程供应商。
- This indicates that top Chinese business schools have begun to position themselves in the global business education market. 这一趋势显示,中国名列前茅的商学院正在重新进行战略定位,力图在国际管理教育市场站一席之地。
- Chen and his team led by VANCL main challenge would be concentrated in the education market with brands and the trend of internationalization. 陈年和他带领的VANCL团队面临的主要挑战,将可能集中在市场教育与品牌的国际化和潮流化。
- Currently, 56% of education institutions are using OSS and open source is clearly making headway into the education market. 目前,56%25的教育机构正在使用OSS,而开源在教育市场明显地取得进展。
- "The company's growth has demonstrated the enormous demand in the education market and the possibility for commercial success. 同时,学大的高速成长也显示了教育市场的巨大需求和商业成功的可能性。”
- The forms of education marketization, such as education voucher, school choice system, tuition and loan programs, are helpful to create a new education equity relationship. 教育凭证、择校制度、学费和货款等教育市场化的形式,有助于形成一种新的教育公正关系。
- The globalization of economics promotes the internalization of advanced education, which also makes the competition of the education market more fierce. 经济全球化,促进了高等教育国际化,使教育市场竞争白热化。
- Sechin: There is no doubt that the education market is a blue ocean, is the reason why so much hot money into the education market, one of the reasons why. 谢琴:毫无疑问教育市场绝对是一个蓝海,也是为什么这么多热钱投入到教育市场的一个原因。
- The divided educational market leads to inefficiency and inequity in education, and obstructs the good development of education. 教育市场分割造成了教育活动效率低下、扩大了教育不公平,不利于教育的良性发展,为此,必须打破教育市场分割。
- Nowadays, there is a kind of educational market in china, and the segregation of education market as we11. 我国不仅存在教育市场还存在教育市场分割。
- With the development of education marketization and the increase of personal investment in education, Chinese universities are forced into an endless war without boundaries-brand competition. 随着我国教育市场化进程的加快和个人投入教育成本的不断上升,高校被推进了一场没有国界和终结的战争-品牌竞争。
- The elementary education market has the community with bright occupation and the relatively stable information need categories, and holds enough seats in the web community, so it is suitable to provide diverse network information services. 基础教育市场拥有职业鲜明的群体,有相对稳定的信息需求类别,在网民群体中占有足够多的席位,适合提供差异化的网络信息服务。
- Industry insiders say the online education market will be a particular target for investors as it is expected to more than double to $21 billion globally in 2008, according to researcher IDC. IDC报告显示,网上教育市场将成为投资的重点,到2008年,全球市场将翻番至210亿美元。
- The megatrends in Chinese educational market have prepared a rich land for the schools following Apollo mode. 摘要中国教育市场的大趋势呼唤阿波罗模式的出现。
- Under the background of higher education popularization, colleges and universities faced with different and broken down education markets. 摘要在高等教育大众化的背景下,不同高校面临着不同的、细分的市场需求。
- Education should be geared to the children's needs and abilities. 教育应适应儿童的需要和能力。
- Education should not be restricted to any one specific age group. 教育不应限制在任何特定的年龄组上。
- Many people use education as a steppingstone to a better life. 许多人将教育作为赢得更好的生活的手段。
- Con Government-Financed Institutions of Higher Learning Leave Room for the Development of Non-Government-finances Ones in Educational Market? 公办高校在高职高专教育市场上可否为民办院校退一步?