- These two aspects turn in the status and meaning of education development priority among the strategy of the great development in the western China. 这两个方面决定了教育优先开发在西部大开发战略实施中的地位和意义。
- education development priority 教育优先发展
- Education develops potential abilities. 教育能开发人的潜能。
- Adult education development favorably. 成人教育发展良好。
- Global Elite Education Development Co., Ltd. 环球精英教育发展有限公司。
- Board Chairman, Shanghai Lianxue Education Development Co. Ltd. 上海联学教育发展有限公司董事长。
- General Education Development can be rather difficult to acquire. 普通教育发展可以获取相当困难。
- Are We Marching Towards Laissez-Faireism in Higher Education Development? 我们是否迈向高等教育的自由放任主义?
- Education develops potensial abilities. 教育能开发潜在的能力。
- An American-financed project to refurbish the power station and upgrade the transmission lines is a development priority but work stopped last May when the area became too insecure. 一个由美国资助的项目旨在整修发电站及升级传输线,该项目得到优先发展,但已于去年夏天该地区变得很不安全时停工。
- How to make higher education develop in the internationalized direction? 如何使高等教育向国际化方向发展?
- Hamilton suggested a shift in development priority for the upcoming releases, reducing investment in new features and performance and increasing investment in ease of development and stability. Hamilton建议转变即将推出的版本的开发优先级,降低在新特性和性能方面的投资,增加在易于开发性和稳定性方面的投资。
- Economic progress is closely bound up with educational development. 经济的发达与教育的发展密切相关。
- Manufacturers in the region will enjoy a bigger autonomy over foreign trade and will be encouraged to develop priority products for export, contract overseas projects, export labor and start plants overseas, especially in neighboring countries. 进一步扩大西部地区生产企业对外贸易经营自主权,鼓励发展优势产品出口、对外工程承包和劳务合作、到境外特别是周边国家投资办厂。
- Therefore, this research paper is based on the reflection of Zambian Early Childhood Education Development. 因此,本研究的基础是,对赞比亚的学前教育发展进行的反思。
- Implementation secondary academic education, the promotion of basic education development. 实施初中学历教育,促进基础教育发展。
- All funds raised will be donated to Sowers Action to support the Foundation Education Development Program in China. 所筹得捐款将全数作为支持发展中国基础教育之用。
- Development of village-rank primary schools is the touchstone of regional basic education development. 摘要村级小学的发展是区域基础教育发展程度的试金石。
- The concept of design strives to reflect the trend of education development in knowledge-based economy ages. 该文介绍了此次设计的规划概念与特色,力图体现知识经济时代的教育发展趋向。
- It's basic ensure to correctly handle coordinately problem in the high professional education development that ... 正确处理高等职业教育发展中的协调性问题是促进高等职业教育可持续、健康发展的根本保障。