- As a representative in non-mainstream field on education administration research in America, Thomas J. 托马斯·萨乔万尼(Thomas J.;Sergiovanni)是美国教育管理非主流派的重要代表。 擅以教育管理的批判范型研究教育管理现象及问题。
- On the Mechanism of China's Higher Education Administration: Reality or Ideality? 中国高等教育治理:现实还是理想?
- Finally proposed that the superintendent improves the method and the countermeasure of humanism management in the education administration process. 最后提出在教育管理过程中管理者改进人本管理的方法与对策。
- Modern Encyclopaedia Of Educational Administration (Set Of 5 Vols. 教育行政管理现代百科全书(5卷集)
- In.F.S.Chiang &Y.H.Chung (Eds.), Comparative Study on the Education Administration in the different countries,(pp.301-354). 载于江芳盛、钟宜兴(主编),各国教育行政制度比较(页301-354)。
- Scientific research institutes may, subject to the approval of the department of education administration under the State Council, undertake the task of postgraduate education. 经国务院教育行政部门批准,科学研究机构可以承担研究生教育的任务。
- I hereby affirm that all information given in this form is real; I shall abide by the Chinese laws and regulations issued by Chinese education administration. 申请人保证上述各项中内容真实;在中国学习期间将遵守中国法律和教育部门的各项教育法规。
- With many constructive suggestions, the criticism of postmodernist education administration theory hits the point of the concept of traditional education administration. 摘要后现代教育管理理论对传统教育管理观的批判切中要害,具有许多富有建设性的意见。
- The higher education administration is the higher education management important constituent, It has leading and decisive function in the higher education management. 摘要高等教育行政管理是高等教育管理的重要组成部分,在高等教育管理中具有主导性和决定性作用。
- The education of creation and innovation of college students needs to explore two types of models: to orientate correctly and to do well with the problems of education administration and development. 摘要大学生创新创业教育需要探索两种教育模式,需要正确定位,需要处理好教育管理与建设问题。
- The result of this study indicant instructing death education have some major finding, and the conclusions of this study brought up as follow suggestions for preschool teachers, preschool principals, education administration unit. 依据研究结果,本研究提出对幼儿教师、园所长、教育行政单位等的相关建议,以为实施死亡教育之參考。
- Schools shall, according to the criteria set by the department of education administration under the State Council, have sports fields, sports installations and facilities and sports apparatus. 第二十二条学校应当按照国务院教育行政部门规定的标准配置体育场地、设施和器材。
- Higher Education Evaluation is an important method for the state as well as its education administration departments to make macromanagement and macrocontrol over higher education. 高等教育评价是国家及其教育行政部门对高等教育进行宏观管理与调控的重要手段。
- To bridge this gap, it is critical to sensitize teachers and education administrators about the importance of inclusive education. 要想减轻这种不平等的现象,很重要的一点在于加强教师和教育管理者对全纳教育重要性的认识。
- Educational administration information is the only way for improving the level of educational administration. 教学管理信息化是提高教学管理水平的必由之路。
- Preschool education administrators earned mean annual wages of $46,370 in 2008, the BLS reports. BLS报告显示,学前教育者的2008年的年薪是46,370美元。
- Only by this, can we attain the purpose of legalizing the educational administration in the system. 惟其如此,才能在制度上达到教育行政管理法治化之目的。
- Education should be geared to the children's needs and abilities. 教育应适应儿童的需要和能力。
- Education should not be restricted to any one specific age group. 教育不应限制在任何特定的年龄组上。
- W.K.Hoy &C.G.Miskel (1978), Educational administration :theory, research, and Practice, N.Y.: Random House. 杨国枢等(1978);社会及行为科学研究法;台北市:东华书局.