- ACL View - View and edit file system ACLs in Windows XP Home without having to boot into safe mode. 不用启动到安全模式下就可以查看。
- In the Edit File Type dialog box, click to clear the Browse in same window check box (or click to clear the Open Web documents in place check box). 在“编辑文件类型”对话框中,单击以清除“在同一窗口中浏览”复选框(或单击以清除“Open Web documents in place”(就地打开Web文档)复选框)。
- Thank you.Now pls try to copy it to some editable file as doc or xls is. 帮忙翻译一下,我们是做数码相机的 the user guide is clear.
- Check-out settings can be used to determine whether multiple users can edit files at the same time. 签出设置可用于确定是否多个用户可同时编辑文件。
- Editing files with Finder, for example, is OK. 编辑文件的搜索,例如,是,确定。
- After you have enlisted in a Web site, Visual Web Developer works with the source control mechanism when you edit files. 当您已在某个网站中登记后,Visual Web Developer在您编辑文件时使用源代码管理机制。
- When you track major and minor versions, you can specify whether people must have permission to edit files before they can view and read a minor version. 跟踪主要版本和次要版本时,您可以指定用户是否需要具备文件编辑权限才能查看和读取次要版本。
- What happens if an edited file in the origin has been moved in the target to a different subfolder? 如果一个已经在源里面编辑了的文件被移动到目标里面不同的子文件夹会发生什么?
- At the same time, someone edits file B, adding new calls to function X using the old arguments. 同时,别人在编辑文件B,仍用旧参数调用X这个函数。
- Simply drag the document directly to your favorite Microsoft Office application, and you've got a fully formatted, editable file! 只需简单地将文档直接拖动到您要使用的Microsoft Office应用程序中,即可获得格式完整、可编辑的文件!
- Firstly ,the paper has presented the development of help system of NNC and emphasized the key technologies, such as editing file filter, importing documents of help, making web pages ect. Then, the simulation system has been analyzed and designed. 首先介绍网络数控系统的帮助系统的开发,并着重分析帮助系统的界面设计、编辑文件过滤器、调入帮助文件、制作网页等关键技术问题。
- He edit a daily paper before he come to teach at our college. 他来我们学院任教之前充任过一份日报的主编。
- An identification record for a tape or disk file. 磁带或磁盘文件的标识说明记录。
- WebPad can also download files from Web URLs, and you can save an edited file straight to your website by supplying FTP upload information. 的WebPAD也可以下载文件从网站的网址,您可以保存编辑的文件,直接到您的网站,提供FTP上传资料。
- I saw the policemen file away a moment ago. 刚才我看见警察排成一列纵队出发了。
- The rank and file do not like the decision. 工会普通会员不喜欢这个决定。
- On the Edit menu, choose Insert File as Text. 在“编辑”菜单上选择“将文件作为文本插入”。
- Editing files, for instance, can be a simple one-liner if you want to replace one word with another. 例如,如果想用另一个词替换某个词,编辑文件可以是简单的一行程序。
- You can open the file in Access and edit it there. 您可以在Access中打开文件直接对其进行编辑。
- When you have finished editing files or adding or changing. Mdf files, you can put the application back online. 当完成了编辑文件或添加或更改.;mdf文件时;可以使应用程序重新联机。