- edge feature matching 边缘特征匹配
- The log-polar transform (LPT) is utilized and an anti-rotation and anti-scale image matching algorithm is proposed based on the image edge feature point extraction. 在惯性导航系统中,定量分析了景象匹配过程中惯性导航系统漂移和无线电气压高度表测量误差对实测图的旋转和尺度所造成的影响,引入了对数极坐标变换。
- An automatic image mosaic technique based on interest points feature matching (IPFM) was proposed. 摘要提出一种基于兴趣点特征匹配(IPFM)的图像自动镶嵌技术。
- The edge feature is based on multiscale decomposition, which offers accurate and precise edge localization. 由于小波函数具有良好的局域性特点,不同尺度下用它检测出的边缘特徵点移位不会超过1个像素。
- The software prototype of straight line extraction for stereoimage feature matching proposed in this dissertation is implemented using VC++6.0. 本文所研究提出的面向立体影像特征匹配的直线提取的有关理论、方法与算法已用VC++6.;0 编程实现。
- In the image matching algorithm, a RANSAC homography method is proposed to improve the efficiency of coplanar feature matching. 使图象间共面特征基元的匹配效率提高。
- The proposed method firstly detects correspondences based on gray level edge feature so that the focal lens can be counted based on correspondences uniqueness. 该方法首先使用基于灰度边缘特征点的图像匹配来获得匹配坐标,并由匹配坐标唯一性计算焦距;
- The matting technology in virtual studio is studied in this paper.An algorithm of virtual studio matting based on edge feature binereliztion is proposed. 针对虚拟演播室中的抠像技术进行研究,提出了一种基于边缘特征二值化的虚拟演播室抠像算法。
- This product group covers applications related to vehicle pattern and feature matching utilizing innovative computer aided feature comparison and pattern recognition techniques. 此系列产品涵盖了与车辆样式和外形及车身颜色比对有关的各种应用领域,它采用了最新的电脑辅助外形比较和模式识别技术。
- During the corner feature match operation, the initial matching points are determined by region gray level correlation calculation with removing mean value normalization method. 在角点特征匹配过程中,利用去均值归一化相关法进行区域灰度相关运算,从而确定出初始匹配点对。
- Kenzo also features matching roman tub products to further extend the line. 高田贤三还将罗马式的浴缸产品加入了这一系列设计中。
- Range image is the discrete array of coordinates, which cannot describe edge feature or topologic relation, it has not be segmented by mature and feasible methods of segmentation up to now. 距离图像是离散坐标点阵列,不表达目标边界特征和拓扑关系,到目前为止还没有距离图像分割的成熟、可行方法。
- Using CBFIS, we made some studies on fingerprint binaryzation, feature extraction, feature match and class identifying etc. 作为原型系统,我们还设计了功能完善的用户界面,以支持用户的身份认证、指纹识别、数据库管理等功能。
- Then comparethe edge images which are gained separately after using the methods such asRobert, Sobel, Laplacian and Marr, and propose an improved method on Sobelto extract edge feature information. 然后对比采用了Robert、Sobel、Laplacian、Mart各种算子后得到的边缘图象,提出一种Sobel算子的改进算法来提取边缘的特征信息。
- This kind of feature matching process was closely related to the differences in salience between various form features. 而这种特徵比对的行为和各个特徵的突显性有相当大的关系。
- First, the red basic image of optic disk was obtained, then automatic segmentation of optic disk was done based on the obvious edge features of the basic red image. 首先获取视盘图像的红基色图像 ,然后根据红基色图像中视盘的明显的边沿特征实现视盘的自动分割。
- Feature matching principle is adopted for the multiple overlapped true-color images to extract registration area, thus the time for image match is greatly reduced and the geometry precision of image is well incorporated to realize mosaic. 摘要对多幅具有重叠区域的图像按照特征匹配原理,通过选取图像配准区域,极大地缩短了图像匹配的时间,并很好的兼顾了图像的几何精度来实现图像镶嵌。
- Our SC algorithm is such an ANN simulating HVS, experimental results show that this method can successfully extract the edge features of natural images. 本文提出的SC算法即是一种模拟视觉系统的神经网络模型,实验结果表明它可以成功地提取自然图像的边缘特征;
- The factory is situated on the edge of the town. 这座工厂坐落在该城的边上。