- Because the commodity and city economy of Song dynasty was further developed, the sum of tea cafes in the cities was large.This type of porcelain figurine should be common in that time. 宋代商品经济发达,城市繁荣,茶肆很多,因而这种瓷像在当时应该比较多见,但却一直未见确凿的实物资料披露。
- economy of Song Dynasty 宋代经济
- This treatise is about the jade statuary of Song Dynasty . 这是一篇关于宋代玉雕的文章。
- The Xincun cultural site, Lulou iron smelting site of Han dynasty, Hebiji ceramic kiln site of Song Dynasty reflect the prosperity of economy and culture in ancient Hebi. 所辖浚县古称黎阳,是国家历史文化名城,淇县古称朝歌,是殷商文化的发源地。
- The influence of XIN Qi-ji, a great ci poet of Song Dynasty, is very extensive. 摘要辛弃疾作为宋词一位大家,影响深远。
- Kaifeng, the capital of Song Dynasty, was divided into several compartments, each with its own characteristics. 摘要宋都开封分为数厢,每厢各有特点。
- The Beautiful Shade of Flower was composed for the famous work of Li Qing Zhao, a female poetry writer of Song Dynasty. 为宋代女词人李清照名作谱写的歌曲。
- The superb skills of Song Dynasty sculptors can also be seen in the sculptures' drapery. 在人物衣纹的塑造上也体现出雕塑家的高超技艺。
- In the fourth chapter, I distinguish differences between Gongxue and Zongxue, and analysis form and develop situation deeply for imperil clan of Song dynasty. 第四章,区别了“宫学”和“宗学”两者的不同,并围绕这两个方面,对宋代宗室的教育形式和发展情况作了深入分析。
- The imperial porcelain of Song Dynasty bears a quality of "jade-like warmness and smoothness" and "bitty cream". 大宋官窑瓷具有“温润如玉”、“凝脂”质感,宋窑乳浊的光泽,可说介于丝绸光泽与“羊脂”般的美玉质感之间,奇妙处不可言传。
- The economy of the country is at a low ebb. 该国的经济处於衰退阶段。
- Hangzhou Dialect is a Wu Dialect bearing the Northern Mandarin flavour for Southern migration of Song Dynasty. 杭州方言是历史上宋室南迁、建都杭州而形成的一支带官话色彩的吴语。
- The remission institution mitigated the social contradictions of Song Dynasty and caused great harm at the same time. 赦宥在缓和两宋社会矛盾的同时,也带来了巨大的危害。
- Moreover,a poem was inscribed by an emperor of Song Dynasty,called Song Ningzong. 然此图笔法、敷色之柔雅沉厚,意趣之清美艳丽,极富女性气质。
- In the 11th century, when it was the capital of Song Dynasty China, its population was more than one million. 11世纪时,作为中国宋朝的国都,它拥有百万以上的人口。
- The third is bout the Gongbi portraitist of Song dynasty had an impact on modern time. 三、宋代工笔人物画对当代工笔画的影响。
- The people of Song Dynasty didn’t evaluate highly to monk cursive script and mostly were criticism. 四、僧人草书的缺陷使得其影响非常短暂;
- The economy of the country is not viable. 这个国家经济是难以维持的。
- The show was a miscellany of song and dance. 那场演出是又有歌曲又有舞蹈的混合表演。