- A tunnel was not considered economically feasible. 从经济上考虑,用隧道并不可行。
- Zero Net Energy Buildings: Are they Economically Feasible? 零能源建筑:是否在经济上可行?
- Here the constraint is the difficulty of designing an economically feasible electric car. 这里的困难是难以设计出一种经济上合理的电动汽车。
- More services become economically feasible when large numbers of people are crowded into cities. 由于大量人口涌向城市,兴办更多的服务项目在经济上行得通了。
- Here the constraint is the difficulty of designing an economically feasible electric car . 这里的困难是难以设计出一种经济上合理的电动汽车。
- The choice to date has been primarily AC cable, since the required lengths have not been sufficient to make DC cable economically feasible. 目前主要选择交流电缆,因输电的距离未足以使选择直流电缆在经济上可行。
- The results showed that it was technologically and economically feasible to deal with titanor slay of new process through chloridizing m... 本实验还为后续工业试验提供了技术经济依据。
- Ideally, this fraction will be large enough to encourage owners to participate and small enough to make many Internet-scale applications economically feasible. 理想上,这一小部份已足以鼓励所有者参与,也能让许多网际网路规模的应用程式具有合理的价格。
- The question is whether the projects need the credits to be economically feasible, said Lex de Jonge, chairman of the executive board of what is known as the U.N. 联合国清洁发展机制(CDM)执行理事会主席德容格(LexdeJonge)说,问题在于这些项目是否需要碳信用才能达到经济可行性。
- Among the uncertainties to be resolved: Will new sequencing technologies deliver on their early promise in time to make this effort economically feasible? 有待解决的不确定因素包括:新的定序技术能否及时实现早先的期望,使得这项定序工作经济可行?
- This study provided the soybean oil refinery industry an economically feasible method for the treatment of spent bleaching earth and the production of biodiesel. 本研究提供植物油炼制业一种兼顾生质柴油生产与废白土处置的方法,不仅可以降低环境污染,且可回收有用资源。
- Haber-Bosch process(Haber ammonia process,synthetic ammonia process):First economically feasible method of directly synthesizing ammonia from hydrogen gas and atmospheric nitrogen. 哈伯-博施法(亦称哈伯制氨法或合成氨法):用氢和空气中氮直接合成氨的方法。
- Obviously the design of charge systems would have to be influenced to some extent by what it is technically and economically feasible to measure, and this may move such systems a considerable distance from the ideal mentioned above. 明显地,收费制度的设计,在一定程度上受到了技术上和经济上可行性检测的影响,而这可能使这种体系与我们上述的理想相差很远。
- These wideband subscriber loop systems would provide access to services such as picturephone and video entertainment. Widespread installation of these broadband services will become economically feasible. 这些宽带用户环路系统将为可视电话、视频娱乐节目等业务提供通路。光纤的使用将使这些宽带业务变得经济可行。
- Based on the techno-economic analysis, it is found that solar LPG vaporizer has advantages of energy saving and environmental protection, and is economically feasible for the application. 进行了技术分析和经济分析,太阳能LPG气化器具有节能环保的优势,在应用上是经济可行的。
- The question is whether the projects need maplestory europe mesos the credits to be economically feasible, said Lex de Jonge, chairman of the executive board of what is known as the U.N. 联合国清洁发展机制(CDM)执行理事会主席德容格(LexdeJonge)说,问题在于这些项目是否需要碳信用才能达到经济可行性。
- Thus, it is plausible that a rapid decarbonization path for coal is both physically and economically feasible, although detailed regional analyses are needed to confirm this conclusion. 所以,立即采用不排放二氧化碳的燃煤发电,不论就物质层面或经济层面,看来都是可行的。只是还需要更详细的地区性分析,来佐证这个结论。
- It is an economical feasible method to treat the high concentration,the high suspension livestock wastewater by USR. 从而确定采用USR处理高浓度、高悬浮物的养殖废水是一种经济可行的方法.
- It's quite clear that the electric car is technically feasible. 电动汽车明显在工艺技术上是可行的。
- Economically, the country is in a very healthy state. 从经济学的观点来说,国家处于很兴旺的状态之中。