- Along with economic society development, Public's demand unceasingly increasing, the ability request manages which to the government more and more is also high. 摘要随着经济社会的发展,公众的需求将不断的增多,对政府管理的能力要求也越来越高。
- Facilities of Sichuan canalage traffic although have,develop more quickly in recent years, but the need that still cannot satisfy economic society development and people life. 四川水路交通事业近年虽有较快发展,但仍然不能满足经济社会发展和人民生活的需要。
- It is a scientific decision to lay emphasis on the development of Shangqiu traveling resources then cause it to form "Chaoyang and Smokeless industry" and eventually impel Shangqiu's economic society develop fleetly and harmoniously. 重点开发商丘旅游资源,使之形成商丘的“朝阳产业”、“无烟产业”,是推动商丘经济、社会快速发展、和谐发展的科学决策。
- Terrorism is an outstanding public hazard in the world of today, it is the common enemy to our civilized society in all human kind and it is a malignant tumor in economic society development. 恐怖主义是当代世界的一大突出公害,是全人类文明社会的共同敌人,是危害世界和平与安全,经济发展与社会进步的毒瘤。
- The eco-environment and economic society development within a continental river basin are closely correlated to the spatio-temporal variations of the water amount in the related river. 内陆河流域生态环境和经济社会发展都与水量的时空变化密切相关。
- The lifelong education is the trend of the modern economic society development,and the library,as an efficient complement for school education,is a good place for people to resume their education. 终身教育是现代经济社会发展的必然趋势,而公共图书馆作为学校教育的有力补充,已成为公民终身教育的社会化平台。
- The road passes, hundred industry are popular, the fast development's highway traffic the Barkam County economic society developed for has poured into the fresh blood. 农牧民所需的食盐、马茶、布匹等生产、生活用品只能靠人背马驮从千里以外的成都、都江堰翻山越岭运回、属典型的原始交通运输。
- When this age bound, science and technology already became the impulsion that economic society develops. 当今世界,科学技术已成为经济社会发展的原动力。
- Presently, Ningxia has stood in the new historical beginning, the economic society developed also entered the new stage. 当前,宁夏已站在了新的历史起点上,经济社会发展也进入了新的阶段。
- Water natural resources saves what economic society develops to restrict to me also show show change, turn a tide for a long time. 水资源对我省经济社会发展的制约也呈显现化、长期化趋势。
- County of farther play area is in whole town action of main force of economic society developing, it is Shanghai dozenth a requirement that person generation can raise. 进一步发挥区县在全市经济社会发展中的主力军作用,是上海市第十二届人代会提出的要求。
- In order to realize the usage of Science Development Outlooks to lead economic society development, we must enlarge domestic consumption to keep the economy developing fast and reposefully. 实现以科学发展构建经济社会和谐发展新格局必须坚持扩大内需,保持经济平稳较快发展;
- The Chinese Northwest area acceleration economic society develops, achieves the comprehensive construction well-off society goal, needs to solve an important problem is the urbanized question. 摘要中国西北地区加速经济社会发展,实现全面建设小康社会目标,需要解决一个重要问题即城市化问题。
- From this and thought the city leads the core which a local economic society develops, the urbanization is Northwest various nationalities realizes the modernized way that must be taken gradually. 并由此认为城市是带动一个地区经济社会发展的核心,城市化是西北各民族逐步实现现代化的必由之路。
- economical society development 经济社会发展
- Shanxi province that is an important energy base has been making great contribution to our economical building and society development. 摘要山西是中国重要的能源基地,多年来为我国经济建设和社会发展做出了巨大贡献。
- How to Build an Economized Society? /如何建设节约型社会?
- Agriculture plays a guidable role in the society development of Taiwan. 一直以来,农业在台湾的社会发展中,占有主导地位。
- Lifeline of economic society development in BeiJing city, TianJin city and HeBei procince-central route of south-north water reansfer project 南水北调中线是京津冀经济社会发展的生命线
- Our government waste resources seriously, building economical society, government should play the vanguard role. 我国政府浪费资源十分严重,建立节约型社会,首先应从政府做起。