- She let her house at an economic rent. 她以合算的方式把房子租出去。
- She was able to let her house at an economic rent. 她以有利可图的租金把房子出租了。
- The farmers outside of the city centered were victims of economic rent. 除城市聚集人群以外的农民们受到了地租的影响。
- Sun Yat-Sen's main thesis is that economic rent should be socialized and shared by everybody in the society, not monopolized by the landlords. 孙中山“平均地权”的中心主张毫无疑问的应该是:不劳而获的经济地租、绝不应为私人独占,而应归全民所共用。
- The cruel landlord would bate him no rent. 那个狠心的地主不肯给他减租。
- In the United States and Britain do some housing rents only a small part of the national income, compared to the average income ratio is judged economic rent affordability of a better indicator. 在美国和英国这样一些房屋租金仅占国民收入一小部分的国家,相对于房价占收入的比例,房租仍是评判经济承受能力的更好的一个指标。
- The rent is due at the end of each quarter. 缴纳租金以每季度末为期限。
- The tenant was evicted for non-payment of rent. 这个房客因为没有交房租而被赶出去了。
- Food and rent nibbled at the money they had saved. 食品和租金蚕食着他们的积蓄。
- I have to buy a more economical stove. 我得买一个更节省燃料的火炉。
- She decided to rent out a room to get extra income. 她为获得额外收入决定租出一个房间。
- He's asking 80 a month rent for that flat. 那套房间月租他要80英镑。
- Infants were rent from their mother's arms. 婴儿被从母亲怀里抢走了。
- I have fallen into arrears with my rent. 我已经拖欠租金了。
- She is economical in her use of salt when cooking. 她烹饪时用盐很少。
- We will fix the rent at 100 a week. 我们要把租金定为每周100英镑。
- As things go now, this rent is dear. 按现在物价水准,这租金太贵了。
- Again we fell behind with our rent [payments]. 我们租子[款子]又交不上拖欠下来了。
- This is not an economical method of heating. 这不是一种经济的取暖方式。
- The rent increase will hit the pockets of the poor. 租金的提高将加重穷人的负担。