- The economic freedom was provided by breaking up large concentration of power. 由于打破了权力的高度集中,经济获得了自由。
- "China has discovered that economic freedom leads to national wealth," he said. 他表示:“中国已经意识到了,经济自由是引导全民富裕的主要原因。
- How could genuine economic freedom and equality of opportunity exist in such circumstances? 在这种环境下,怎么能有真正的经济自由和机会均等呢?
- The preservation of a system of free enterprise is essential to economic freedom. 对经济自由化而言,维持一套自由企业制度是至关重要的。
- Once there were students lobbying for democracy, but now they are content with economic freedom and opportunity. 曾经,有许多学生为民主奔走呼号,而现在,他们沉溺于各种机会和经济自由。
- The two proponents of economic freedom became fast friends, supporting each other in the cause of liberty. 两个经济自由的倡导者很快成为朋友,为了自由的事业彼此支持。
- Hong Kong retains its top position in the Economic Freedom Index compiled by the Fraser Institute, a Canadian think-tank. 香港仍然雄踞加拿大弗雷泽研究所的经济自由排行榜首位。
- The growth of economic freedom to China provides reason to hope that social, political and religious freedomswill grow there as well. 中国经济自由度的进步,为整个社会带来了希望。中国的政策和信仰自由的发展也会越来越好。
- Friedman promotes economic freedom as both a necessary freedom in itself and also as a vital means for political freedom. 弗莱德曼认为经济自由不仅从本质上来说是一个必要的自由,而且实现政治自由重要途径。
- In accessible, jargon-free language, Friedman makes the case for economic freedom as a precondition for political freedom. 弗莱德曼用容易理解的、没有什么术语的语言来解释经济自由,经济自由是政治自由的前提。
- Put another way, the presumption that political freedom will never catch up with economic freedom could turn out to be joyously wrong. 再者,认为政治自由永远滞后于经济自由的说法也会被证明是可笑的谬论。
- In the absence of a firm commitment to a solidly established rule of law, privatisation alone is not enough to lead to real economic freedom. 在缺乏稳固的法治下,私有化本身并不能导至真正的经济自由。
- Information on political, social and economic freedoms. 政治,社会和经济自由的信息。
- The document is clearer on the subject of some economic freedoms. 这份文件在某些经济自由的主题上更清楚。
- I have to buy a more economical stove. 我得买一个更节省燃料的火炉。
- Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova, Lithuania and Romania have all gained at least 20 points of economic freedom over the life of the Index. 阿塞拜疆、亚美尼亚、格鲁吉亚、波黑、摩尔多瓦、立陶宛和罗马尼亚的经济自由度都比指数创立之初增长了至少20点。
- George Mason University just published a ranking of Freedom by States, in which New Hampshire came in number one overall, and number two in the subcategory of economic freedom. 乔治梅森大学刚公布了一份洲际自由度的排名。其中,新罕布什尔州综合排名第一,子排名中自由经济排名第二。
- Liberalism is a force truly of the spirit, a force proceeding from the deep realization that economic freedom cannot be sacrificed if political freedom is to be preserved. 自由主义的确是这种精神的力量,它出自对这一点的深切认识,即若是要保存政治自由,经济自由便不能被剥夺。
- She is economical in her use of salt when cooking. 她烹饪时用盐很少。
- I'm old enough to have the freedom to do as I like. 我已经足够大了,有权去做我喜欢做的事。