- S.Congress on an estimated $850 billion economic stimulus package aimed at jolting the economy back to life. 他与美国国会一起制定一项8,500亿的经济振兴方案,目标在于推动经济复活。
- Congress on an estimated $850 billion economic stimulus package aimed at jolting the economy back to life. 他与美国国会一起制定一项8,500亿的经济振兴方案,目标在于推动经济复活。
- He praised the economic stimulus package approved by the House of Representatives and urged the Senate to follow suit. 他赞扬了众议院代表获得通过的刺激经济的一揽子计划,并敦促参议院跟随。
- Senate moderates continue to work behind closed doors, trying to trim down the economic stimulus package. 参议院调解员正日益旭日、加班加点消减经济刺激援助案。
- He spotlighted the “Buy American” provisions in this year’s US economic stimulus package as an example of the trend. 他强调,今年美国经济刺激方案中“购买美国货”这一条款就是这种游戏趋势的一个体现。
- And last week a senior US Democrat said that legislators must be willing to consider the possibility of a second economic stimulus package. 上周一位资深的民主党人士说立法委员们必须要考虑是否启动第二个经济刺激方案。
- But we are now told the broad economic stimulus package Obama is pushing for won't be ready for a signature the day he takes office. 但目前我们只被告之奥巴马力推的庞大的经济刺激计划在他就职日时还不可能准备好让他签署。
- But he said he had found there were "irresolvable conflicts" on issues including Mr Obama's economic stimulus package and the country's census. 但是他说,他发现有“无法解决的冲突”的问题,包括议员奥巴马的经济刺激方案和国家的人口普查。
- Mr. Obama told an audience in Ohio Friday that the job losses underscore the importance of his economic stimulus package, which he signed into law last month. 奥巴马总统在俄亥俄州告诉人们,失业人数增加更加说明了他所提出的经济刺激计划的重要性。奥巴马总统上个月把这个刺激计划签署成为法律。
- It's time the candidates devote less time on the minutiae of configuring the next economic stimulus package, or renegotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement. 眼下,各位候选人不该再在下一步该如何刺激经济或北美自由贸易协定之类细枝末节的问题上耗费时间了。
- President Bush is praising a bipartisan economic stimulus package that would give most tax buyers refunds of 600 -1200 dollars ,and those with kids may get even more. 该方案将会给大多数纳税购物者返回600至1200美圆,有孩子的家庭可能得到更多的退款。
- EOL notice is published, subject to four trillion yuan economic stimulus package driven, Fuyao Glass to continue to follow the market rebounded slightly the day up 0.48 percent. 停产公告发布后;受四万亿元经济刺激方案拉动;福耀玻璃跟随大盘继续反弹;当天小幅上涨0.;48个%25。
- Office of Management and Budget Director Jim Nussle says a slowing economy combined with the costs of an economic stimulus package, are the main culprits for the current spike in the deficit. 管理及预算办公室主任尼塞尔说,经济发展减缓再加上经济刺激方案的费用是目前赤字直线上升的根源。
- A reference to the economic stimulus package recently passed by conference(congress), that will put rebate checks into the hands of many taxpayers &provide businesses with invest incentives. 一项关于刺激经济发展的建议最近在国会通过,这项建议能够给纳税人带来回扣支票,为商业提供投资动力。
- And Democrats will ex-pect, in short order, a plan for with-drawing one to two brigades a month from Iraq, a major economic stimulus package, and a repeal of President Bush's tax cuts. 民主党人也预期,马上就能兑现每月从伊拉克撤走一两个旅的计画,推出重大经济振兴方案,及取消布希的减税计画。
- British Chancellor of the Exchequer Darling may be submitted in March or April budget, the expansion of its six weeks before the announced 20 billion economic stimulus package the size of the funds. 英国财政大臣达林可能将在提交3月或4月财政预算时,扩大其6周前宣布的200亿的经济刺激计划的资金规模。
- As the "two sessions" closed, investors' attention shifted from the possibility of another economic stimulus package to focus on corporate conditions, Nanjing Securities analyst Wen Lijun said. 南京证券分析员温丽君解释说,可能是由于“两会”结束,投资者的注意力已经从经济刺激方案转移到公司自身的情况。
- All that is certain is this: As a result of those diametrically opposed partisan calculations, the economic stimulus package now represents one of the biggest rolls of the dice of recent times. 可以确定的是:这么针锋相对的党派之争将这项经济刺激方案变成了一个近时期来最富悬念的博弈。
- In addition to economic stimulus packages, the Japanese Government must urgently come out with credible policies in the reform and liberalisation of her banking sector. 除刺激经济的方案外,日本政府还必须急切厘定切实可行的政策,将其银行业改革和自由化。
- In the weekly democratical party Democratic Party radio address, Mr.Obama called on congress Congress to prove approve an economical economic stimulus package as soon as possible. 民主党每周广播发言中,奥巴马呼吁国会尽快通过一揽子经济刺激计划。