- S. dollar and friendly.G8 finance ministers Lecce, Italy, a meeting that has started to discuss the threat of inflation before the phasing out of economic stimulus measures. 8国财长在意大利莱切召开的会议上表示,已开始讨论在通胀威胁出现前逐步取消经济刺激措施的问题。
- The two sides agreed today that each nation shouldn't withdraw economic stimulus measures “too soon because the recoveries are still very fragile,” David Loevinger, the U. 双方都同意不应该“太快地收回经济刺激方案,因为复苏还很脆弱”。
- Gold inched up closer to $900 an ounce on Tuesday, but the market was capped as investors awaited the expected passage this week of U.S. economic stimulus measures. 黄金于周二早段曾迫近每盎司900美元,但市场在本周预期会顺利通过的美国刺激经济方案前显得乏力,未能顺利突破。
- Reuters stock market by the end of 2008 also mentioned that many Wall Street investors bet on Obama to take office after the economic stimulus measures will boost the stock market. 路透社也在2008年底市场盘点中提到,华尔街许多投资者押注于奥巴马上台后采取的经济刺激措施将提振股市。
- In a speech yesterday, Baroness Ashton warned that China's huge economic stimulus measures could increase trade frictions with Europe if they increased overcapacity in the economy. 阿什顿昨日在一次讲话中警告称,如果中国的大规模经济刺激加剧了经济体中的产能过剩,那么它与欧洲之间的贸易摩擦就可能会增加。
- economic stimulus measure 经济刺激措施
- So that right there creates economic stimulus. 所以这正是创造出经济刺激。
- The undeliverable economic stimulus checks average $583. 今年4月到8月间,退税款陆续寄到纳税人手中。
- China unveils stimulus measures for bioindustry. 中国公布生物产业刺激方案。
- Most are extensions to current stimulus measures. 多数是目前刺激措施的扩展。
- In addition to economic stimulus packages, the Japanese Government must urgently come out with credible policies in the reform and liberalisation of her banking sector. 除刺激经济的方案外,日本政府还必须急切厘定切实可行的政策,将其银行业改革和自由化。
- The stimulus measure, signed into law by President Barack Obama on Tuesday, provides matching funds over two years to encourage utilities to start work on smart grids. 奥巴马总统周二正式签字的刺激措施,为今后两年内鼓励电力公司建设智能电网提供了需要的的资金。
- S.Congress on an estimated $850 billion economic stimulus package aimed at jolting the economy back to life. 他与美国国会一起制定一项8,500亿的经济振兴方案,目标在于推动经济复活。
- With the national economic stimulus plan the implementation, the railway will become a strong competitor Highway. 随着国家经济刺激计划的执行,铁路将成为公路有力的竞争者。
- "PMI data recovery can, of course, be regarded as a series of economic stimulus policies to reflect the results. "PMI数据的回升当然可以被视作是一系列经济刺激政策见效的反映。"
- The combination of protectionism and economic stimulus in the US, he said, if made permanent, would be the way to hell. 他说,如果美国长期同时采取贸易保护主义和经济刺激计划的话,将导致经济走向毁灭。
- Congress on an estimated $850 billion economic stimulus package aimed at jolting the economy back to life. 他与美国国会一起制定一项8,500亿的经济振兴方案,目标在于推动经济复活。
- He praised the economic stimulus package approved by the House of Representatives and urged the Senate to follow suit. 他赞扬了众议院代表获得通过的刺激经济的一揽子计划,并敦促参议院跟随。
- Adding to the global woes: China defied expectations by failing to boost its economic stimulus program. 增加(到)全球困境:中国由于未能推进它的经济刺激计划辜负了期望.
- "Economic growth will pick up in the second quarter as the government's stimulus measures gradually take effect," the State Information Center (SIC) forecasts. 国家信息中心预测:“随着政府的经济刺激政策的效果逐渐显现,经济增长将在第二季度加速。”