- Modern Economic History of China 中国近代经济史
- His name is inseparable with the history of China. 他的名字和中国历史是分不开的。
- The cambridge economic history of Europe. 剑桥欧洲经济史。
- A concise economic history of the world cameron r. 简明世界经济史。
- This book deals with the ancient history of China. 这本书讨论中国古代史。
- I purpose to write the History of china. 我意欲著中国史。
- The long history of China gives us aspirations. 中国的悠久历史给了我们抱负.
- It's a textbook on the history of china. 它是一本有关中国历史的教科书。
- The Outline History of China" is just going into its third edition. 《中国简史》正要出第3版了。
- In a sense you were a witness to the Grand History of China. 可以说,您见证了中国的历史巨变。
- Herbert Heaton,Economic History of Europe[M].New York:Harper&brothers,1 948. 海斯、曹绍濂译.;近代欧洲政治社会史(上卷)[M]
- The earthquake rewrite the history of China's earthquake. 这场大地震改写了中国的地震历史。
- The paper tells something about the long economic history of the reindeer Owenks. 本文客观实在而科学地论述了驯鹿鄂温克族驯鹿业经济漫长的历史变迁。
- economic history of China 中国经济史
- Growth models arose when economists sought to explain the economic history of advanced industrial countries in mathematical terms. 增长模型是在经济学家谋求用数学方法来解释发达工业国家经济史的时候兴起的。
- The period 1850-1914 was therefore a golden age in the economic history of the village. 1850年-1914年这段时期是这个村庄经济史上的黄金期。
- Liang Shuming is a famous educator in modern history of China. 梁漱溟是中国现代史上著名的的教育家。
- DATA SOURCE:A.Feuerwerker, "Chinese Economic History in Comparative Perspective," in Heritage of China, ed. PaulS. Ropp [Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1990],p. 227). 所以,中国的人口优势在明清朝已经消失。更为重要的转变是技术创新的方式发生了翻天覆地的变化。在欧洲出现了以作试验搞发明为生的职业科学家团体!
- The comprehensive work covers the entire history of China. 这部著作内容丰富多彩,包括了中国整个历史。
- HistoryHe is writing a book on modern history of China. 他正在写一本有关中国近代史的书。