- economic guiding ideology 经济指导思想
- Mao Zedong Thought is still our guiding ideology. 现在毛泽东思想还是我们的指导思想。
- First,a sound guiding ideology,represented by Mao Zedong Thought. 第一,有好的指导思想。这就是以毛泽东思想为代表的党的指导思想。
- First, a sound guiding ideology, represented by Mao Zedong Thought. 第一,有好的指导思想。这就是以毛泽东思想为代表的党的指导思想。
- Company guiding ideology for the sincere service, quality first. 总公司指导思想为真诚服务,品质第一。
- But from the perspective of our country, Marxism is still the guiding ideology. 但是,从我国的角度来说,马克思主义仍是指导思想。
- The new industrialization is not a stage task of economic development, but the basic principle and guiding ideology that must be upheld for a long period in China's economic and social development. 摘要新型工业化不是一个阶段性的经济发展任务,而是我国经济社会发展必须长期坚持的基本原则和指导思想。
- Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought constitute the guiding ideology of our Party. 马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想,是我们党的指导思想。
- He developed an integral theory on the type of party to be built and its guiding ideology and style of work. 毛泽东同志对于建立一个什么样的党,党的指导思想是什么,党的作风是什么,都有完整的一套。
- Compassionate Conservatism is the political guiding ideology of Bush Government. 富有同情心保守主义是布什政府的政治指导思想。
- It is the crystallization of the Party's collective wisdom and a guiding ideology the Party must follow for a long time to come. 是全党集体智慧的结晶,是党必须长期坚持的指导思想。
- This paper sketches out the design requirement,guiding ideology of modifying grate in first generation Lurgi gasifier. 概述了对第一代鲁奇炉炉篦改造的设计要求、指导思想及炉篦主要结构。
- This article pints out the appraisal guiding ideology and target system of competitive information personnel training. 本文提出了我国竞争情报人才培养评价的指导思想及指标体系。
- Accordingly, must work rightly manner and guiding ideology, cannot lean absolutely fluky. 因此,一定要端正工作态度和指导思想,绝不能靠侥幸。
- It is incorrect to emphasize or exclude excessively one teaching guiding ideology for various guiding ideology has its own reason for existing. 各种体育的教学指导思想都有存在的原因和理由,过分强调或排斥一种教学指导思想都是不对的。
- The rich humanistic feature in Marxism determines the inevitability of Marxism as the guiding ideology in the promotion of socialist humanistic spirit. 马克思主义丰富的人文特质决定了社会主义人文精神的提升以马克思主义为指导是必然的。
- In this paper the design guiding ideology and fuctions of TDIS integrated service network oftelephone and data are introduced. 本文介绍了TDIS型电话数据综合业务网的设计思想及其功能。
- Based on its profuse contents and abstruse thoughts, Genghis khanimperial edict was one crucial part of his guiding ideology to govern theempire. 成吉思汗圣旨以其丰富的内容,深遂的思想,成为其治国安邦的总指导思想的重要组成部分。
- The introduction highlights guiding ideology and significance of the paper, through discriminating testamentary succession and related concepts. 导论通过对遗嘱继承及相关概念的辨析,突出本文研究的指导思想和意义。
- As a new guiding ideology for teaching and teaching mode, research on teaching is suitable for teaching university courses. 研究性教学作为一种新的教学指导思想和教学模式十分适合大学学科课程的教学。