- economic contribution rate of education 教育经济贡献率
- economic contribution rate of transportation 交通运输经济贡献率
- economic contribution rate 经济贡献率
- The paper measures contribution rate of land to economic growth by using land exchange price data in Shanghai. 利用上海市土地交易价格资料,尝试测度了土地要素投入对上海市经济增长的贡献。
- The results show that the type of Qingdao economic growth is promoted by capital and the output elasticity and contribution rate of human capital are low, while the spillover effect of human capital is not clear. 结果表明,青岛市的经济增长带有明显的资本推动型特征,人力资本的产出弹性和贡献率较低,溢出效应不明显。
- Because CREIS of Shanghai is promulgated in Feb. 1995, and detailed land exchange price index is promulgated since 1997, it is possible to measure contribution rate of land to economic growth directly. 中房上海指数于1995年2月开始发布,自1997年以来更有详细的土地交易价格指数,因此直接测度上海市土地要素对经济增长的贡献率变得可能。
- National studies on the economic contribution of copyright-based industries (creative industries) have been commissioned in several countries. 已在多个国家委托编写关于版权产业(创意产业)的经济贡献问题的国家研究报告。
- In the enterprise informative management course, it requires to reach popularity rate, integrated rate and contribution rate. 在企业信息化管理过程中,要求达到普及率、成率和贡献率。
- WIPO has developed a methodology for surveying the economic contribution of the copyright-based industries, in terms of generation of value added, employment and foreign trade. 世界知识产权组织制定了一种方法,用于调查基于版权产业在创造附加值、就业和外贸方面所作出的经济贡献。
- Its contribution rate is 0.6124. On defensive man, relieving opponent's attack successfully depends on act situation. 就防守者而言;是否能够有效化解对方之攻击;主要取决于动作拍位;其贡献率为0.;7772。
- A model about valuing the contribution rate of economy growth was built, based on three kinds of datum. 我们基于三类经济数据,建立了测算人力资本对经济增长贡献率的模型。
- The structure of the port related economic activities, the implication of the port economic contribution, the research methods and its index system are discussed in this paper. 摘要阐述了港口相关经济活动的构成、界定了港口经济贡献的内涵和组成,介绍了港口经济贡献度的研究方法及指标体系。
- The key of ROA model is to observe the changing of contribution rate of intangibles. ROA模型的关键是观测无形资产回报率的变化。
- In the third quarter than in Central GPD growth, the contribution rate of exports from the second quarter rose to -0.5 percent in the third quarter of 0.1 percentage points. 在第三季度GPD环比增速中;出口的贡献率由第二季度的-0.;5个百分点上升至第三季度的0
- Measuring the contribution of national creative and innovative industries: Expand the successful WIPO Guide for Surveying the Economic Contribution of the Copyright-based Industries to include the patent-based innovative industries. 衡量国家创造和创新性产业的贡献:扩大WIPO成功编写的《版权产业的经济贡献调研指南》的范围,使之包括专利创新性产业。
- Both N transportation efficiency and N contribution rate of CMS lines were higher in contrast to the homotypic lines under nitrogen deficiency (P<0.05). 低氮水平下,CMS玉米的氮素转移率、贡献率和氮素利用率均显著高于其同型可育系(P<0.;05);
- To this day chaebol families are more admired for their economic contribution than reviled for their criminal propensities, which are often viewed as the foibles of a ruling aristocracy. 直到今天,财阀家族还因他们的经济贡献而受到尊敬。这远远胜过他们的流氓习气受到的非难,这些常常被视为统治的高层们的缺点。
- The pollution sources of NGD in Chengdu are analyzed by the chemical mass balance method based on receptor model.The average contribution rate of five pollution sou... 运用受体模型的化学质量平衡法对成都城区NGD的来源进行了解析;各排放源的贡献率分别是:土壤尘11.;4%25;建筑尘12
- The improvement of fertilization s stem could increase crop yield, and enhance the contribution rate of fertilization though the extent of the enhancement declined gradually. 施肥制度进步能够提高作物产量;施肥贡献率随着施肥制度的进步逐渐增大,但其增幅趋缓;
- The role way of major QTL controlling 3 photoperiod sensitive indexes were all additive, its contribution rate were 24.97%, 24.37% and 29.98% respectively, the additive effect direction of these QTLs were identical. 控制3个光周期敏感指数的主效QTL的作用方式都为加性;其贡献率分别为24.;97%25、24