- The economic contract was confirmed to be void. 确认这一经济合同无效。
- The second part puts forward the necessity of credit in the economic contract. 第二部分是提出信用在经济契约中的必要性问题。
- Economic contracts that are void from the time they are concluded shall have no legally binding force. 无效的经济合同,从订立的时候起,就没有法律约束力。
- Disputes related: Real estate develop and operation, property management, construction project, shares transfer, trade, economic contracts, etc. 纠纷涉及房地产、物业、建设工程、股权转让、国际贸易、经济合同等纠纷。
- Some high level interna-tional professional sports competitions may be accomplished by the di-rect economic contracts between cross-country clubs. 一些高级别的国际职业体育比赛,就可以直接通过跨国俱乐部间经济合同来完成。
- The responsibilities to be assumed for a breach of an economic contract are mostly economic responsibilities. 因违反经济合同而必须承担的责任大半是经济责任。
- Article15 If one party to an economic contract requests a guaranty, such guaranty may be provided by a guarantor. 第十五条经济合同当事人一方要求保证的,可由保证人担保。
- If a dispute over an economic contract develops, the parties may settle the dispute through consultation or mediation. 第四十一条经济合同发生纠纷时,当事人可以通过协商或者调解解决。
- This Article is based on the history and status in quo of the economic contract, combined with the basic principium of economic law. 摘要首先关注经济合同法律现象并对其进行全面系统研究的是前苏联的学者。
- Article 15 If one party to an economic contract requests a guaranty, such guaranty may be provided by a guarantor. 第十五条经济合同当事人一方要求保证的,可由保证人担保。
- They did nothing to reverse the country's brutal economic contraction. 这些改革未能扭转阿根廷的经济紧缩。
- The voidness of an economic contract shall be confirmed by the people's courts or the arbitration agencies. 经济合同的无效。中级人民法院或者仲裁机构确认。
- If failed, should submit to China Related Economic Contract Arbitrated Bureau to mediate or arbitrate. 调解不成,提请中国有关经济合同仲裁机构仲裁。
- An enterprise whose product quality does not conform to the terms agreed upon in the economic contract shall be liable for breach of contract. 产品质量不符合经济合同约定的条件的,应当承担违约责任。
- One party may pay a deposit to the other party. After the economic contract is performed, the deposit shall be returned or set off against the price. 第十四条当事人一方可向对方给付定金。经济合同履行后,定金应当收回,或者抵作价款。
- Proves the necessity of credit among economic contract at the same time, and puts forward the implicit contract nature of credit. 同时又说明了信用在经济契约中的必要性问题,提出了信用默认契约的性质问题。
- If no agreement can be made, either party shall submit the case to the related Economic Contract Arbitrated Bureau of China for arbitration. 协商不成,提请中国有关经济合同仲裁机构调解.
- Article27 The notice or agreement regarding the modification or rescission of an economic contract shall be in written from( including a document, a telegram, ect.). 除由于不可抗力致使经济合同的全部义务不能履行或者由于另一方在合同约定的期限内没有履行合同的情况以外,协议未达成之前,原经济合同仍然有效。
- Article 27 The notice or agreement regarding the modification or rescission of an economic contract shall be in written from ( including a document, a telegram, ect. ). 第二十七条变更或解除经济合同的通知或协议,应当采取书面形式(包括文书、电报等)。
- In case of Item (2) of Item (3) of the preceding paragraph, one party shall have the right to notify the other party of the rescission of the economic contract. 属于前款第二项或第三项规定的情况的,当事人一方有权通知另一方解除合同。