- The black clouds of economic chaos begin to shadow that country. 经济混乱的乌云开始笼罩那个国家。
- It is impossible to establish democracy amid economic chaos. 在经济混乱时期建立民主国家是不可能。
- But then came the "cultural revolution", a disaster for the nation, causing economic chaos. 但接着又搞文化大革命,这是一场灾难,经济方面完全乱了。
- But then came the "cultural revolution",a disaster for the nation,causing economic chaos. 但接着又搞文化大革命,这是一场灾难,经济方面完全乱了。
- Bond soon uncovers an audacious plan to commit" the crime of the century" and bring economic chaos to the West. 他所用的方法,是把车库存的黄金储备,用核子辐射加以污染,詹姆斯邦德的任务是要挽救黄金,并阻止金手指的阴谋。
- Bond soon uncovers an audacious plan to commit "the crime of the century" and bring economic chaos to the West. 他所用的方法,是把车库存的黄金储备,用核子辐射加以污染,詹姆斯邦德的任务是要挽救黄金,并阻止金手指的阴谋。
- Economic chaos, gestapo terror, terrible blunders in strategy at the highest levels had all served to disgust the officers' corps with the way the war was being conducted. 由于经济情况一团糟,特务横行,加上最高当局指挥无方,犯了严重的战略性错误,各级军官普遍厌战。
- Let the world economic chaos, just by moving money to China tinkers, and similarly, that only the United States can do it. 要让世界经济出现混乱,只消对中国的货币动动手脚,同样,这一点只有美国能做到。
- It was formed, as noted, in 1991 as the Soviet Union was collapsing and most of the land area of Eurasia was in political and economic chaos. 正如上面所提,该组织成立与1991年,这一年苏联解体,在亚欧板块上的绝大部分地区都出现了政治混乱和经济紊乱。
- Countries must restructure to focus on domestic demand as they grapple with economic chaos, the banks' annual meeting in Indonesia was told. 在印度尼西亚召开的银行业年会上,各国被告知在应对经济混乱的同时,必须重新组织起来将重点放在国内需求。
- There is agreement by both ZANU-PF and MDC that an inclusive government is needed to bring Zimbabwe out of its economic chaos. “非洲民族联盟-爱国阵线”和“争取民主变革运动”都同意,要使津巴布韦摆脱经济困境,建立一个包括各方的政府是必要的。
- Toilet paper makers are trimming the length of their rolls while Brazil is battling a two-ply crisis rooted in the economic chaos in neighboring Argentina and a local energy shortage. 由于巴西目前正受到邻国阿根廷经济危机和国内电力缺乏的双重困扰,该国的厕纸生产商们削减了每卷厕纸的总长度。
- The Philippines has always been proud of itself as one of the most democratic countries in Asia. Unfortunately,its democracy exists in name and not reality and has led the country down the slippery road of political and economic chaos. 菲律宾一直以来都以亚洲最民主的国家之一自居,但正是这种有名无实的民主,使她的政局和经济日益陷入难以自拔的深渊。
- Rosario,one of the poorest cities in this South American country of 36 million people,was a center of food looting in December that overthrew then-President Fernando de la Rua and heralded months of political and economic chaos. 罗萨里奥市有人口3600万,是阿根廷这个南美洲国家中最贫困的城市之一,也是去年12月份哄抢食物事件的中心地区。正是那次事件造成了当时阿根廷总统德拉鲁阿的下台,并且让该国连续几个月时间都处在政治和经济的混乱状态之中。
- Rosario, one of the poorest cities in this South American country of 36 million people, was a center of food looting in December that overthrew then-President Fernando de la Rua and heralded months of political and economic chaos. 罗萨里奥市有人口3600万,是阿根廷这个南美洲国家中最贫困的城市之一,也是去年12月份哄抢食物事件的中心地区。正是那次事件造成了当时阿根廷总统德拉鲁阿的下台,并且让该国连续几个月时间都处在政治和经济的混乱状态之中。
- Fishery Resources Economic Chaos Analysis 渔业资源经济混沌分析
- Necessity of Research on Economic Chaos 经济学研究混沌现象的必要性
- He has been an unsung hero of the country's economic growth. 他是使这个国家经济成长的无名英雄。
- Mother works economic advantages accrue. 母亲工作时经济收入增加了。