- This week's atrocity in its economic capital should not undermine its progress. 本周发生在其经济首都的暴行也应该不会削弱其发展。
- The economic capital was advanced by the New Basle Accord in 2004, and it is becoming the advanced concept in practice. 经济资本概念是2004年正式发布的新巴塞尔协议倡导的,并为世界领先银行所实践的资本概念。
- From the structure this thesis about economic capital management can be divided into five chapters: Chapter one is exordium. 本文围绕经济资本管理的写作从结构上共分为五章:第一章,绪论。
- The private economic endogeny supply means the private economic capital sources born in the private economy itself, namely folk capital supply. 所谓民营经济内生性资金供给,则是指内生于民营经济体系自身的资金来源,即民间资本供给,是除国家资本以外的不包括国外资本的所有资本形式。
- Managing insurance businesses within an economic capital framework is beneficial from the company's point of view along the dimensions shown on this slide as I have mentioned. 在经济资本框架下对保险业务进行管理,可以使得保险公司在图中所示的各个方面获益。
- The poorest and most vulnerable people were often unable to migrate, the research showed. "The poorest people lack the social and economic capital to escape," said Gemmene. 研究显示,最贫困和最易受伤害的人往往无法迁移。弗兰科斯说:“最贫困的人缺乏逃离所需的社会和经济资本。”
- It"s a pity good times don"t last long, the Occidental finance bandk rise, economic capitalization make Jewish pure consumptive usury lose competition. 好景不长,西欧金融银行业兴起,经济的资本化使犹太人纯消费性高利贷丧失竞争力。
- Thisdistributive technology of belt conveyor line's program control, not only canbe economized capital and raised productivity but also is in the lead in ourcountry. 而且其更重要的意义的在于这项技术的成功运用,能使国内各行各业的运输装卸作业中节约大量资金,填补国内在这项技术上的空白。
- City University of Economics, the economic capital of Shu Cong said that we should let exurb more attractive and accumulation capacity of the Beijing area to attract some people exurb. 首都经贸大学城市经济系教授李树琮说,应该让卫星城有更多的吸引力和积聚能力,把北京市区的一部分人吸引到卫星城去。
- return ratio of economic capital 经济资本回报率
- He has been an unsung hero of the country's economic growth. 他是使这个国家经济成长的无名英雄。
- Shortage of capital was a factor holding back economic development. 资金短缺是影响经济发展的一个因素。
- Mother works economic advantages accrue. 母亲工作时经济收入增加了。
- They had led the country into economic disaster. 他们把国家带入了经济灾难中。
- Do you know the economic policy of this year? 你知道今年的经济政策吗?
- Economic depression often follows war. 经济不景气常因战争所致。
- The country is in a bad economic state. 这个国家的经济情况很差。
- The lecture bore down on economic causes. 那次演讲着重论述经济方面的原因。
- Credit Pricing: From the Credit Rating to Economic Capital 贷款定价:从信用评级到经济资本
- The book will open up to readers new vistas on economic thinking. 这本书将为读者展现经济思想的新远景。