- Thinking on Ecological Water Supplement to the Nasi Lake 南四湖生态补水的思考
- Regeneration of Phragmites communis Trin. In Zhalong Wetland and Ecological Water Supplement Analysis 扎龙湿地芦苇恢复与生态补水分析
- ecological water supplement 生态补水
- ecological and environmental water supplement 生态环境补水量
- High penetration depth formula, deep cleansing, soothing water supplement and enhance the quality of the skin. 高深入渗透配方,深层清洁,润肤补水,增强皮肤质素。
- Main ingredients: OPC grape seed essence, CMA antisenium element, gold water supplement element, grape wine essence, fibroin, cell elasticity element. 主要成份:OPC葡萄籽精华、CMA抗老素、流金颗粒补水因子、红酒精华、蚕丝蛋白、细胞弹力素。
- And it will prove maneuverability on formulating standards of water price analyzing case and comparing different water supplement goals. 通过案例分析,本文结合不同供水目标的分类比较和分析,论证了水价制定标准的实际可操作性。
- Study on Theory and Method of Ecological Water Demand in the Lower Reaches of Heihe River. 黑河流域下游生态需水理论与方法研究。
- The corresponding problems of ecological water requirement for vegetation construction in semi-arid grasslands are studied from microcosmic angle. 摘要重点从微观角度研究半干旱草原区植被建设生态需水相关问题。
- To solving the skin hydropenia problem, besides the traditional water supplement and moistening measures, the unimpeded transportation of water supply channel is also a key point. 解决肌肤缺水问题,除了传统意义上补水、保湿之外,输水通道的畅通更是关键所在。
- On the premise of protecting river hydrobiology habitat,ecological water demand in mountainous rivers was studied. 主要从保护河流水生生物栖息地出发,探讨山区河流生态需水量问题。
- The Ankang Prefecture was taken as example to calculate ecological water requirement. 本文以安康地区为例,计算现状年生态需水量为61。
- An integrated classification system for ecological water demand is suggested according to different criterions. 建立了不同标准下的生态需水分类体系;
- After that,take Yanan city for example to calculate two kinds of ecological water requirement in the year of 2000. 以西北黄土高原地区延安市为例,分别计算了2000年来水条件下的河道内及河道外生态需水。
- The calculation of ecological water consumption is the basis of redistributing water resources. 摘要生态需水量的计算是水资源优化配置的前提和基础。
- The minimum instream ecological water demand is the epiboly value of each instream flow quantity. 河道内各项需水量的外包值为河道内的最小生态环境需水量。
- It is necessary that the project of ecological water compensation r is developed in Heifei because water system of Hefei is polluted. 合肥市的环城水体没有天然补给水源,极易引起水体污染,开展生态补水工程很有必要。
- The Fluvial Ecological Water Requirements issue is presented by taking the ecological water requirement calculation for Xuecheng waterpower Station as a typical example. 本文阐述了水电工程的河流生态需水类型及其计算方法,以薛城水电站的生态需水量计算为实例,论述了小水电开发中的生态需水量问题。
- The questionnaire to local resident's response on the ecological water re-inflowing into the lower reaches of Tarim River has showed the following results. 通过问卷调查方法了解当地居民对塔里木河下游应急输水的响应。
- Furthermore, the gist and method of calculating ecological pondage and ecological water requirement have been provided, and Zhalong wetland has been given. 本文提出了沼泽湿地生态储水量的概念与内涵,界定了其与生态需水量的区别与联系,探讨了两者的计算依据与方法,并以扎龙湿地为实例进行了计算。