- ecological thought resources 生态思想资源
- Ken:I always thought resources were things like coal and oil. 我一直以为资源就是指煤炭或石油之类的事物。
- Under these basics, it discusses some viewpoints about the ecological thought in urban planning. 在此基础上,论述了城市规划生态思维的主要观点,包括:城市生态系统观、市“稳态经济”观、市发展适度观、市与自然共生观、市更新的“能工巧匠”观、市生态设计观等。
- Ecological thought is a think-ing mode,which contains advancedsense,modern connotation and hu-manistic meaning. 生态思维是一种富含先进意识、现代内涵及人文色彩的思维模式。
- The ancestor intuitive ecological thought,which advocated the theory that man was an integral part of nature,is studied to explore a research path to Chinese settings of reside... 同时研究了中国先民的直觉生态思想,主张天人合一,以探索中国人居环境的研究道路。
- New Confucianists of Mainland with Mr.Jiangqing being one of its representatives, are eulogizing Gongyang Doctrine and managing to explore its thought resources. 以蒋庆先生为代表的"大陆新儒家"继以公羊学为颂扬对象,尽力发掘公羊学的思想资源。
- Both the Confucianism and Buddhism contain rich ecological thought and individual perspective of Ecology. 无论是儒家还是佛家都蕴涵着丰富的生态思想,具有各自独特的生态观。
- There are some original relationship between Law school and Taoism which are very different on appearance. Law school had absorbed some thought resources from Taoism. They trended to be incorporative. 道家与法家这两种看似差别很大的学派之间其实存在着明显的渊源关系,法家通过对某些道家思想资源的吸收,从而使道法之间出现了合流的趋势。
- Wu Jingzi was one of the Chinese classical novelists who had perfect philosophical disposition.He not only absorbed and inherited but also criticized and introspected cultural thought resources. 摘要吴敬梓是最具哲思气质的中国古典小说作者之一,他面对已有的文化思想资源,既吸收继承,又批判反思。
- Prose of modern implication can be sub-grouped into that of ecological thinking and that of animal emancipation. 现代意义的动物散文又有体现生态主义思想和宣扬动物解放理论的两种。
- This led to a cross-fertilisation of youth culture, ecological thinking and commerce, from which grew the internet and the green movement. 这不仅仅是生态环境的问题,往往也是一个政治问题了。同一个地球,同一个家园,或许才是真正的同一个梦想。
- Wu's thinking resources come from Irving Babbitt's new humanism and the traditional Chinese poetry theories. 他的思想资源来自白壁德的新人文主义和中国传统的诗学经验。
- The development of ecological thinking of human come through the three phases:phases of "Imitate nature",phase of "conquer nature"and phase of "harmonious mix in nature". 人类对于人与自然关系的认识是不断深化与发展的,人类生态思维的发展经历了“法天’、“胜天”、“通天”三个阶段。
- He amalgamated culture spirits and thinking resources from the orient and theoccident, built up his own classic culture viewpoint . 他将中西文化精神和思想资源进行了深度整合,树立了自己的古典主义文学观。
- Traditional agriculture ecological thought 传统农业生态思想
- The construction of society of faith depends on fully excavating and absorbing in the thought resource of the honesty and sincerity in Chinese traditional ethical doctrines. 信赖社会的构建有赖于充分挖掘和吸收中国传统伦理道德学说中的诚信思想资源。
- Meanwhile the word “Huitong” not only indicates one theoretical form of Wangxue but also means an attitude and way of thinking toward how to deal with different thought resources. 这种态度与方法大致有两个特征:一曰求真,即打破一切人为的限制,平等地对待各种思想资源,惟“真理”是求。
- It was that thought which made me ask an unquiet question calmly. 是那个想法使我平静地问了一个令人焦急的问题。
- His illness was more serious than the doctor first thought. 他的病较医生原来以为的更严重。
- She thought of brushing up her shorthand. 她想到要复习一下过去学过的速记术。