- ecological economic effect 生态经济效应
- What's the overall economic effect likely to be? 除此之外还有什么样的经济影响?
- Prohibition ecological economic zone in the southern add new outfall. 禁止在南部生态经济区增加新的排污口。
- One hardly needs to mention the economic effect of their activities. 她们的活动所产生的经济效益就不必提了。
- It advances output and concentration of brine and acquires the economic effect. 经过两年的生产实践,提高了卤水的产量和卤水浓度,取得了较大的经济效益。
- China's growth and US protectionism: an economic effect of globalisation? 中国的崛起和美国的贸易保护主义:来自全球化的经济效益?
- At last, taking Tongchuan city as an example, whose ecological economic system is analyzed and evaluated. 最后以铜川市为例,对其生态经济系统进行分析与评价。
- The paper lays emphasison the economic effects. 这文件强调经济方面的影响。
- The paper lays emphasis on the economic effects. 这文件强调经济方面的影响。
- To determine the scope of the Poyang Lake ecological economic region, is the premise of implementing the Jiangxi provincial strategy Poyang Lake ecological economic region . 摘要确定鄱阳湖生态经济区地域范围,是实施江西省委、省政府提出的建设“鄱阳湖生态经济区”战略的基本前提。
- As one of the three economic zones of Chongqing city, the three-gorge ecological economic zone is the important guarantee of the sustainable development of Chongqing city. 三峡库区生态经济区是重庆市确立的三大经济区之一,是重庆市经济社会可持续发展的重要保证。
- Economic Effect and Social Effect Being Passed to Our Institute by the Applica tion of Interconnection Network. 互联网应用给设计院带来效益。
- The ecology economical system is a complex system. 摘要生态经济系统是一个复杂的系统。
- This techniques not only can solute the lees contamination in liquor factory but also obtain a good economic effect. 本工艺不但解决了白酒厂酒糟污染问题,而且可获得较好的经济效益。
- I engage in ecological environment, Ecological economics and zoology industrialization research. 我从事生态环境、生态经济学及生态产业化研究。
- Economic Effects of Pension System Transition: China as a Case. 养老保险制度变迁的经济效应:以中国为例。
- Economic effects are more measurable than social effects. 经济影响比社会影响更能加以衡量。
- Ecological Economics,Land Economics,American Journal of Agricultural Economics,Review of Agricultural Economics. 等国际一流学术期刊上。
- Fourthly, producer services trade brings about notable economic effect, and larger marginal output. 第四,生产者服务贸易的积极经济效应显著,边际产出大。
- Jercen C. J.M. van den Bergh (1996) ,Ecological Economics and Sustainable Development. Edward Elgar UK. Briikfield, US. 平狄克;鲁宾费尔德.;微观经济学(中译本)