- ecological Yunnan 生态云南
- We have some nice pomelos just in from Yunnan. 我们有很好的柚子,是刚从云南运来的。
- For many people, Yunnan is a land of mystery. 对许多人来说,云南是一片神秘的土地。
- The regional ecological system is fragile. 区域生态系统脆弱。
- I went on a four-day tour to YunNan last winter. 我去年冬天参加旅行团去云南旅游了四天。
- Where do the first ecological refugees come from? 世界第一批生态难民来自何方?
- Yunnan LongRun Tea Group is a flagship of LongRun. 云南龙润茶业集团是龙润集团在中国市场的旗舰。
- Yunnan BK Giulini Qunli Phasphate Co., Ltd. 云南贝克吉利尼群利磷酸盐有限公司
- We had some nice pommel just in from yunnan. 我们有些很好的柚子,是刚从云南来的。
- An Ecological Design Idea for Hongyuan Building. 宏源大厦生态建筑的设计思路。
- It is a civil taste snack in the south of Yunnan. 是滇南民间风味小吃。
- Who Make the Ecological and Environmental Crisis? 谁制造了生态与环境灾害?
- The businessman went to Yunnan a week ago. 那商人一周以前去了云南。
- Who Should Pay for the Ecological Use of Water? 谁为生态用水埋单?
- It is special craft art technical skill in Yunnan. 这是云南独特的工艺美术技艺。
- We also have ecological agriculture. 我们还发展了生态农业呢。
- It looks a bit like the old town Lijiang in Yunnan? 这儿有点儿像云南的丽江古城啊?
- How Far Away from Which Ecological Economy Does? 生态经济离我们还有多远?
- Jingzhen Temple of Jinghong City of Yunnan. 云南景洪景真寺。
- It's more accurate to call it an ecological park. 还是叫生态园比较准确。