- And he longed to eat his fill of the pods on which the swine fed, but nobody gave him any. 他恨不能拿猪吃的豆荚来果腹,可是没有人给他。
- After the timber wolf ate his fill, he slept well with snores. 大灰吃饱后,便打起鼾睡着了。
- When the Master dined beside a bereaved person,he never ate his fill. 子食于有丧者之侧,未尝饱也。子于是日哭,则不歌。
- He ate his fill. 他吃了个够。
- He found a shady place where he could eat his lunch. 他找了一处阴凉的地方吃了午饭。
- He probably cannot afford to get his fill of milk. 或许他没有钱来尽情喝牛奶。
- He sat at the counter to eat his breakfast. 他坐在吧台边吃早餐。
- He sat down before the fireplace to eat his gruel. 坐到壁炉前吃麦片粥。
- Found a shady place where he could eat his lunch. 他找了一处阴凉的地方吃了午饭。
- He is a man not to eat his words. 他是不吃言的人。
- He said he'd eat his hat if she got elected. 他说如果他当选了,他就吃掉他的帽子。
- he ate his fill of potatoes; she had heard her fill of gossip. 他饱吃了一顿西红柿。
- I thought Trispel would eat his heart out now. 我想特里斯帕尔这会儿可要伤心死了。
- Drank wine at ten thousand coins a cask and laughed his fill. 斗酒十千恣欢谑。
- Paul is wishing to eat his cake and have it too. 保罗想鱼与熊掌兼得。
- Wu Song drank his fill before he climbed the Jing Yang Gang hill. 武松在过景阳岗之前喝了个够。
- he ate his fill of potatoes; she had heard her fill of gossip. 他饱吃了一顿西红柿。
- He sat at the counter to eat his breakfast . 他坐在吧台边吃早餐。
- He sat.at the counter to eat his breakfast . 他坐在吧台边吃早餐。
- He'll eat his words when he sees this. 他看到这种情况会承认他说错了话。