- Lots of people eat fish on Fridays. 许多人每逢星期五吃鱼。
- Now, although the Vatican has de-emphasized this kind of fasting, people still continue to eat fish on Friday. 尽管梵蒂冈的罗马教廷不再强调这种斋戒形式,但是人们仍然继续保留在星期五这天吃鱼的习惯。
- You can go to a Catholic Church and if you ate fish on Friday you ought to feel guilty, you better come to confession Saturday night. 教会已停止在人里面制造良知。你参加一间天主教堂,使你以为若周五晚上你吃了鱼,你该感到罪咎。
- eat fish on Fridays 斋戒日吃鱼
- Ford found a funny fish on Friday. 褔特在礼拜五发现了一只好玩的鱼。
- Finnish fisher named Fisher failed to fish any fish on Friday. 一个名叫非什尔的芬兰渔者在星期五连一条鱼都没钓到。
- The Debating Society meets on Fridays. 辩论社团每星期五举行例会。
- You were specifically warned not to eat fish. 已经特别叮嘱过你不要吃鱼。
- I always go to confession on Fridays. 我总是每星期五去作忏悔。
- She holds her surgery on Fridays at 6 pm. 她星期五下午6时接待选民。
- The bus station is a zoo on Fridays. 星期五公共汽车站拥挤不堪
- The darn cat eat my fish on the desk. 这只他妈的猫吃了我在桌上的鱼。
- They eat fish that will not go on the body of Qu Yuan. 他们认为鱼儿吃饱了就不会去吃屈原的尸体了。
- He always stays out late on Fridays. 他每周五都在外面待到很晚。
- After a week I tired of eating fish. 我吃鱼吃了一个星期之後就腻了。
- She always skives off early on Fridays. 每到星期五,她总是早早就溜了。
- He knocked the fish on the head to kill it quickly. 他猛击鱼头,使它很快死去。
- On Fridays the shops keep open up to 8 p. M. 星期五商店营业直到晚上8点。
- THEO: Hmm, squished fish on the dish. Ha-ha. 将压过的鱼放进盘子。
- Chris and Doug play golf together on Fridays. 克里斯和道格常在星期五一起打高尔夫球。