- We are sailing in the direction of east by north. 我们正朝着正东偏北方向航行。
- The steamer will go west by north. 这艘轮船将向西偏北方向航行。
- Flew to the Far East by way of the polar route. 经由极地航线飞往远东
- Biography is a region bounded on the north by history, on the south by fiction, on the east by obituary, and on the west by tedium. 自传的领域;北面被历史;南面被虚构;东面被卜告;而西面被冗长所包围.
- She's been lured to the Middle East by the promise of high wages. 有人应允给予高薪,她受吸引而去了中东。
- In addition to the attack from the north, Rome was invaded from the east by Mongols, from the south by the Moslems. 除了来自北方的入侵,蒙古人又从东部发起进攻,穆斯林人也从南部发出威胁,这一切更令罗马雪上加霜。
- They are spreading communism in Nepal and India's North East by funneling money through terror groups. 看来对八国联军的后人不应抱太大的幻想!
- Biography is a region bounded on the north by history,on the south by fiction,on the east by obituary and on the west by tedium. 传记是北接历史、南界小说、东濒讣告、西临冗繁的一个地区。
- The north by Turkey, the east by Iran, the West adjoin Syria, Jordan, south of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the Persian Gulf near the southeast. 北接土耳其,东邻伊朗,西毗叙利亚、约旦,南连沙特阿拉伯、科威特,东南濒波斯湾。
- Many young Japanese engineers have been lured to the Middle East by the promise of high wages. "在给予高薪的允诺的引诱下,许多年轻的日本工程师去了中东。"
- The other is to reprocess plutonium -- the method chosen by North Korea. 北韩选择的是第二种方法。
- Gibraltar is bounded on the north by Spain, on the east by the Mediterranean Sea, on the south by the Strait of Gibraltar, and on the west by the Bay of Algeciras. 直不罗陀北面接壤西班牙、东面濒临地中海、南面邻近直布罗陀海峡、西面紧接阿尔赫西拉斯湾。
- east by north [海、测]东偏北[南]
- And will be separated from the little garden on the east by a small creek. 东至小园仅一水
- The Sayan Range is bordered on the east by the mountains of the Baikal region. 萨彦岭的东边与贝加尔湖区的山脉相邻。
- Towards evening we saw a low-lying point west by north of us, at about 3 miles distance. 夜幕降临时,就在我们西边偏北的海平面上,我们看到一个地势低洼的尖呷,离我们只有3哩之远。
- Japan, outraged at the abduction by North Korea of Japanese citizens in the 1970s and 1980s, hangs tougher. 日本,对上世纪70年代和80年代朝鲜对日本公民的绑架事件仍然愤恨不已,是比较强硬的一个。
- Lean dried meat pounded fine and mixed with melted fat; used especially by North American Indians. 捣得很烂的干瘦肉,与熔化好的肥肉混合;北美印第安人的一种主要食品。
- Biography is a region bounded on the north by history, on the south by fiction, on the east by obituary and on the west by tedium. 传记是北接历史、南界小说、东濒讣告、西临冗繁的一个地区。
- Clinton's trip will be overshadowed by North Korea's increasing belligerency and potential long-range missile launch. 克林顿此次访问由于北朝鲜的日益好战和可能的远程导弹发射而被蒙上一层阴影。