- east and yellow sea 东黄海
- The red tides covering large areas mainly happened in East Sea,Bo Sea and Yellow Sea. 大面积赤潮主要集中在东海、渤海和黄海海域。
- The red tides covering large areas mainly happened in East Sea, Bo Sea and Yellow Sea. 大面积赤潮主要集中在东海、渤海和黄海海域。
- The Chinese mainland faces the Bohai Sea, the Yellow Sea, the East China Sea, and the South China Sea on the east and south. 中国大陆的东部和南部濒临的海域有渤海,黄海,东海和南海。
- I've only been flying over the American prairies,the Pacific Ocean and Yellow Sea,and never over any mountains before. 我只飞过美国大草原、太平洋和黄海,还从来没有在任何大山的上空飞行过。
- The quantitative change of Clupea Pallasi resources in Bo sea and Yellow sea during the Qing dynasty is analyzed. 摘要本文对清代黄渤海鲱鱼种群数量的变化进行了分析。
- Numerical experiments show Tsushima Warm Current is of greatimportance to the formation of the Korea Coastal Current and Yellow Sea Warm Current. 对马暖流对于黄海暖流和西朝鲜沿岸流的形成起着重要作用,数值实验显示,如果在无风的基础上去掉对马暖流,这两支流也就不复存在了。
- the East China Sea and Yellow Sea 大型灯光围网渔业
- Tsushima Warm Current derives from several sources, includes a branch of Kuroshio, part of Taiwan Warm Current and Yellow Sea mixed water coming from the west of Cheju Island. 台湾暖流来自台湾海峡水与黑潮入侵的混合。对马暖流具有多源性,主要源自黑潮分支和台湾暖流以及黄海陆架水。
- The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 太阳从东方升起,在西方落下。
- Red and yellow grade into orange. 红与黄混合成橘黄。
- Facing the Yellow Sea on the east. 在东边面对黄海。
- An oriole is a bird which has black and yellow feathers. 金莺长着黑黄的羽毛。
- The Yellow Sea lies to the east of China. 黄海位于中国的东面。
- They had rung the sheds of the east and west. 他们在东西部的剪羊毛比赛中获胜。
- Acres of black and yellow smoke rolled steadily towards the sea. 成片的黑黄色的浓烟不断地滚滚涌向大海。
- The boundary ranges east and west. 这条边界线由东延伸到西。
- The sun rise in the east and set in the west. 太阳从东方升起, 至西方落下。
- Green results from blending blue and yellow. 绿色是由蓝色和黄色掺和而成。
- Manichaeism spread both east and west from Persia. 摩尼教从波斯散播到东方和西方。