- I, Earth Mother, invite you to go out into nature. 我,地球母亲,邀请你出来走到大自然中。
- Now let us bless our home, the Earth Mother. 现在让我们祝福我们的家,地球母亲。
- The Marias from the Earth Mother shall assist. 地球母亲的玛丽天使们会帮助你。
- And as the Earth Mother is hated so are you. 当地球母亲被憎恨的时候,你也同样如此。
- Earth People have a deep resonance with the Earth Mother. 土人对地球母亲有一种深深的共鸣。
- Through the clay, I found my connection to the Earth Mother. 通过泥土我发现了自己到地球母亲的连接。
- In communing with me, Earth Mother, you will be replenished. 在与我,地球母亲的联系中,再次充盈活力。
- I, Earth Mother, invite you to begin to tune inward. 我,地球母亲,邀请你开始向内在调协。
- There is much to do and much to see that your Earth Mother offers to you. 有你们的地球母亲提供给你们很多地方是值得多做多看看。
- Now the Earth Mother is on a homeward bound journey of restoration of truth. 现在,地球母亲正走在一条恢复真相的回家之路上。
- Our kingdom holds illumination for the visionary void of the Earth Mother. 因为我们的王国持有着对地球母亲虚空的照明。
- Now let us sit quietly and attune to our soul, oversoul and source, along with the Earth Mother and nature kingdoms. 现在,让我们静静地坐着,调谐向我们的灵魂、超灵和源头,以及地球母亲和自然界王国。
- According to myth, they first learned the art of shapeshifting from the Earth Mother. 照神话的说法,他们从大地母亲哪里习得变形的能力。
- I pray you will listen to his words and know he speaks the truth of our Grandfather and our Earth Mother. 我祈愿你们会听他所说的话,并了解他代表我们天父和大地母亲讲真话。
- For no human could exist at this time without Earth, and all of the bounty provided for the sustenance of the life and form by I, Earth Mother. 在此时期,没有地球就没有人类能存在,所有生命与生命形式维生所需的食物都由我地球母亲提供。
- The element of water also travels into each cell of your body and the Earth Mother over time. 随着时间流逝,水元素也旅行到你身体和地球母亲的每一个细胞之中。
- As the Earth Mother ascends, she is embracing her unconscious dark side a little at a time. 当地球母亲提升,她正逐渐包含入她的无意识黑暗面。
- Ah, this is a tricky question, and I, Earth Mother, will take the time to explain. 啊,这是一个棘手的问题,我,地球母亲将花点时间来解释。
- The images of Alexandra and Antonia can be considered to be Great Mother and Earth Mother in ancient mythology. 第五章,结论部分认为亚历山德拉和安东尼亚的形象分别是“大母亲”和“大地母亲”的神话原型再现。
- I intend to live my larger dreams and contribute to the ascension of the earth mother and humanity in world service. 我意愿生活在我更大的梦想当中,并在世界服务当中为地球母亲的提升及人类的提升做出贡献。