- earth rs temperature regime 地球热状态
- Most of the earth rs surface is covered by water. 大部分的地球表面被水覆盖着。
- When the nurse came, she took the boy rs temperature. 护士来后给男孩量了体温。
- The nurse plotted a chart of the patient rs temperature. 护士绘制了一份病人体温图。
- The doctor said the child rs temperature was normal. 医生说孩子体温正常。
- The soil temperature regime in Beijing belongs to mesothermal category. 北京土壤温度属温性土壤温度状况。
- Earth quakes can result from stresses in the earth rs crust. 地壳内的应力可能引起地震。
- The sun appears to rise and set because of the earth rs rotation. 因为地球在自转,看上去就有了日出和日落。
- Lunar eclipse occurs when the earth rs shadow falls on the moon. 地球的影子落在月球上时,就发生月蚀。
- Fresh seeds have a fully-developed embryo and a water-permeable seed coat and endocarp, and they require >4 wk to germinate in a warm temperature regime. 新鲜种子具有发育完全的胚,以及水分可通透的种皮和内果皮,但它们却需要4周以上时间才开始发芽。
- Children supporting their parents is nature rs law and earth rs way. 子女奉养父母是天经地义的。
- Marine sediments on the continental slope of the NE South China Sea have appropriate thickness, methane-generating potential, and occur in a suitable pressure temperature regime to host gas hydrate. 摘要南中国海东北部大陆斜坡带上的海相沈积有适当的沈积厚度,处于适宜形成气水合物的温-压域内,有一定的甲烷生成潜力。
- Furthermore, they may crystallize in different temperature regimes and within different periods of time. 而且,他们可以用不同的温度范围和不同的时间结晶。
- Permafrost Temperature Regime: Study Method and Applied Analysis 冻土温度状况研究方法和应用分析
- earth rs line of maximum atmospheric gradient 地球最大大气梯度线
- the loose mass of the earth rs crust 一层松散物质
- Our pilotless rocket enters the track of the earth. 我们把一个无人驾驶的火箭送入了地球的轨道里。
- earth rs gravitational field model 地球重力场模型
- reentry into the earth rs atmosphere 重入地球大气层
- The attraction of the moon for the earth causes the tides. 月球对地球的吸引力造成潮汐。