- earth pressure balanced shield (EPBS) 土压平衡式盾构
- earth pressure balanced shield tunneling machine 土压平衡式盾构机
- On the "Ideal Soil" in the Earth Pressure Balanced Shield Tunnelling 土压平衡式盾构施工中"理想状态土体"的探讨
- earth pressure balance shield technology 土压平衡盾构技术
- earth pressure balance shield machine 土压平衡盾构机
- Torque Moment Analysis of Earth Pressure Balanced Shield Cutter Head under Soft Foundation 软土地基土压平衡盾构切削刀盘扭矩的计算
- On loss form of hob in earth pressure balance shield machine 浅析土压平衡盾构机滚刀损耗形式
- Trouble shooting of earth pressure balance shield machine 土压平衡式盾构机故障排除
- earth pressure balanced shield 土压平衡盾构
- Foam system of earth pressure balance shield machine and its troubleshooting 土压平衡式盾构机泡沫系统及其故障排除
- Tube piece assembly system of earth pressure balance shield machine and its troubleshooting 土压平衡式盾构机管片拼装系统故障排除
- Research on the Control Technology of the Earth Pressure Balancing Shield for the Earth Room Pressure 土压平衡盾构土舱压力控制技术研究
- Experimental study on thrust force during tunnel excavation with earth pressure balance shield machine 土压平衡盾构施工的顶进推力模型试验研究
- Main points of construction with earth pressure balance shield machine and analysis of quality trouble along with its solution 土压平衡式盾构施工要点及质量通病的分析防治
- Earth pressure balance (EPB) shield is used most extensively in shield construction. 土压平衡式盾构机是盾构法施工中应用最为广泛的盾构机。
- earth pressure balance shield 土压平衡盾构
- tunnel construction by earth pressure balanced (EPB) shield machine 土压盾构工法
- Shield is the special one for soft ground tunnel construction, among which the EPB (Earth Pressure Balance) shield is a newly developed advanced shield machine in recent 30 years, and it is suitable for various kinds of ground from soft clay to gravel. 盾构是软土地基隧道施工的专用设备,其中土压平衡系盾构是近30年来发展起来的一种技术先进的新型盾构机械,能适应从软弱粘性土到砂砾土范围内各种地层的隧道施工。
- Screw conveyor is an important tool of controlling earth pressure balance in EPB shield boring and plays a significant role in maintaining the earth pressure at the face of the shield. 螺旋输送机是土压平衡盾构的重要组件,对维持盾构开挖面土压平衡起着至关重要的作用。