- early ripening maize 早熟玉米
- Delaware is an early ripening red variety with small berries, small clusters and a mild American flavor. 特拉华州是一个早熟的小浆果,小集群和温和的美国风味的红色品种。
- Price is a very early ripening Concord-type grape developed at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (VPI). 价格是一个非常早熟康和式葡萄在弗吉尼亚理工学院和州立大学(VPI)于发达国家。
- In respect of fruit ripening date and other econmic characters, Pearl pear can be comparable to the two very early ripening pear varieties-Beurre Giffard and Madeleine, widely grown in the world. 极早熟珍珠梨在果实成熟期和经济性状方面,接近或超过世界各国曾广泛栽培的极早熟梨品种伏茄梨(Beurre Giffard)和小伏梨(Madeleine)品种。
- Four plum cultivars, i.e. Dashi early ripening, Longyuanqiuli, Fraiar, Angeleno, were used to investigate the changes of the dynamitic pattern and contents of main sugar, acid , vitamin C and Ca, Mg, K during fruit development. 本试验分析测定了大石早生、龙园秋李、黑宝石、安哥诺4个李品种果实发育动态及其主要糖、酸、Vc和Ca、Mg、K含量的变化规律。
- There was close negatively relativity between anthocyanin and carotenoids in cv. Longyuanqiuli (r=-0.9295*) and Fraiar (r=-0.8822*) , between anthocyanin and flavonoids in cv. Dashi early ripening (r=-0.9644**) and Angeleno (r=-0.9094*) . 大石早生、龙园秋李、黑宝石果皮葡萄糖与花青苷含量呈显著正相关,相关系数分别为0.;8940~*、0
- Field experiments of glutionous fruit maize on early ripening under conditions of film double covering 鲜食糯玉米双膜早熟栽培技术试验
- Although blueberries are self-fertile, cross-pollination increases fruit production for many cultivars, resulting in earlier ripening and larger fruit. 虽然大部份的高丛种都可自花传粉,异花传粉的果实会较大且较早熟。
- It is one of the hottest, earliest ripening sites in the entire district, consistently cropping two weeks ahead of Bannockburn. 这里是所有的地区中是最热的,最早的成熟用地,一向都比班诺克早两个星期收割.
- Eli 2'- A New Early Ripening Pear Cultivar' 早熟梨新品种‘鄂梨2号’
- A New Early Ripening Pear Variety'Zaokui' 早熟梨新品种‘早魁
- A New Early Ripening Strawberry Variety'Shimei 4' 早熟草莓新品种‘石莓4号’
- We started early in order to arrive before dark. 为了在天黑前到达,我们很早就动身了。
- He come to the fore as a physicist at an early age. 他在早年就成了杰出的物理学家。
- I finished work unexpectedly early. 我的工作意外地提早做完。
- A New Extra Early Ripening Kiwifruit Variety'Jinzao' 早熟中华猕猴桃新品种'金早'
- We will get up early and do some housework. 我们将早起并且做点家务。
- Forgive me so early to call up you please. 请原谅我这么早给你打电话。
- Breeding of a new early ripening apple cultivar 'Qinyang' 苹果早熟新品种秦阳的选育
- This Greek dish is of a very early date. 这个希腊盘子是很早时期的制品。