- early landscape poems 早期山水诗
- Wangwei and Meng Haoran rivaled each other in their landscape poems in the Tang Dynasty. 盛唐“王孟”并称,号称山水诗派,但二者山水诗创作意境风格却迥然有别。
- The unique aesthetic characteristics of Li Bai's landscape poems are greatly resulted in his adequate capture of sceneries. 摘要李白的山水诗境界开阔,飘逸流转。这种审美特征的形成,离不开李白独特的取象方式。
- Liu Ming Dynasty poet Wang Shun Hill Machine face Mayfair, issued a "world famous independence of this show, which expectation landscape poem" Sigh. 明代诗人刘机面对王顺山美景,发出“天下名山此独秀,望中风景画中诗”的感叹。
- As creatively developing Hui Yuan's aesthetic thought of visual reality, Xie Lingyun made an outstanding artistic achievement in writing his landscape poems. 谢灵运山水诗创造性地发展了慧远形象本体之学的美学思想,在山水诗的创造上取得了突出的艺术成就。
- Wang Wei set his fashion in the prime of Tang Dynasty, surpassing his bellwethers in the relationship between feeling and landscape in his landscape poems. 摘要王维在盛唐诗坛上开宗立派,主要缘于其山水诗在情景关系上对前代的超越。
- At an end language overview thesis standpoint, combine the special esthetics that clarified the LiuZongyuan a landscape poem text is worth . 结束语综述了论文观点,并阐明了柳宗元山水诗文的独特的美学价值和文化意蕴。
- Poems of Tibetan landscape enlarged the theme of traditional landscape poetry, and also signified the prosperity of landscape poems in the Qing Dynasty. 摘要清代藏游山水诗是对传统山水诗题材的扩大,是清代山水诗走向繁荣和兴盛的重要标识,其内容主要包括转战雪域、感怀言情和巡边戍疆三大板块。
- Secondly, the point treatise is the Xie Lingyun"s contribution to landscape, then analyze Xie Tiao"s landscape poem creations and inherition compared to Xie Lingyun"s landscape poem. 其次重点论述谢灵运对山水诗的贡献,比较分析谢胱和谢灵运的山水诗创作,及小谢对大谢山水诗创作的继承和发展。
- Selflessness and Landscape Poems of Wang wei 无我之境与王维山水诗
- We started early in order to arrive before dark. 为了在天黑前到达,我们很早就动身了。
- Landscape Poems Composed by Wang Wei 论王维的山水诗
- Landscape Poems by LI Bai and MENG Hao-ran 李白与孟浩然的山水诗
- Early Landscape Painting and Drawing Trees in Dunhuang Frescoes 早期山水画与敦煌壁画中的树木描写
- A Brief Study of He Xun's Landscape Poems 何逊山水诗略论
- Review of Wei Yuan and His Landscape Poems 重观魏源与山水诗歌
- He come to the fore as a physicist at an early age. 他在早年就成了杰出的物理学家。
- Discussion on Zen in Landscape Poems of Wang Wei 王维山水诗中的禅意
- I finished work unexpectedly early. 我的工作意外地提早做完。
- We will get up early and do some housework. 我们将早起并且做点家务。