- This paper examines its founding and work in publishing as well as the great influence of Christian literal work on the social changes in west china during late Qing and early Republican China. 本文以清末民初为时限,考察华西圣教书会成立过程及其出版、发行状况,并分析基督教文字事业对华西社会变迁所起到的重大作用。
- Observing the political development of Early Republican China through the democratization, an obvious fact is the Republican China is at the pivotal phase of Democratic Transition. 从民主化视角观察民国初年中国的政治发展,一个显而易见的事实是,当时的中国正处于民主转型的关键阶段。
- late Qing and early Republican China 清末民初
- during the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republican China 清末民初
- the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republican China 清末民初
- The Suicide of Liang Ji and the Belief Crisis in the Early Republican China 梁济自沉与民初信仰危机
- The Community Administrator in Xinjiang in Late Qing and Early Republican China 清末民初新疆乡约的特点
- The Custom and Customary Law in Civil Law of the Early Republican China 民初民法中的民事习惯与习惯法
- Looking Back at the Running of Higher Education by an Industry in the Late Qing Dynasty and the Early Republican China 清末民初高等教育部门办学的历史追溯
- Impacts of the Military Polyarchy on the Growth of State's Modernity during Early Republican China 北洋时期军权政治与国家现代性的成长
- An Analysis On the Cause of the Rise of Professional Diplomat Group in the Early Republican China Period 民初职业外交家群体崛起的原因
- Local Autonomy and Urban Security Construction of Shanghai during the Period from the end of Qing Dynasty to the Early Republican China 地方自治与清末民初的上海平安城市建设
- The Formation of Modern Concepts of "Civilization" and "Culture" and Their Historical Practice in Late Qing and Early Republican China 晚清民初现代"文明"和"文化"概念的形成及其历史实践
- early Republican China 民初
- Sun Yat-sen, the founder of republican China, flitted between Japan and America. 中国共和制度的创始人孙中山在为革命奋斗时则频繁往返于美国和日本之间。
- In the early Republican era, folk art, acrobatics by artists from other provinces into the Taiyuan, Taiyuan, the rich people's cultural life. 民国初年,曲艺、杂技由外省艺人带入太原,丰富了太原人民的文化生活。
- Later on, the early Republican years, hailed as one of the eight scenic spots Zhuozhou, Dubbed the "barricades Changhong. 清末、民初年被誉为涿州八景之一,名曰“拒马长虹”。
- Being two means of transportation in all cities and towns in Republican China, rickshaw and tram produced continuous contradictions. 作为民国城市的新旧两种交通工具,人力车与电车的矛盾接连不断。
- Ming dynasty hsieh-tseng chord collection of poems of the Tang and Sung Dynasties. Collotype in the early republican years. One set 1 division. Rare. Delicate collection article. 藏品描述:明解增和千家诗注.;一部一册;民初珂罗版;精致;罕见;馆藏级品
- Until the early Republican era, put the word dragon Shou-ling has been Xiling Yamen art performances during the New Year, dragon Shou-ling who are officers. 直至民国初年,摆字龙灯一直是西陵守陵衙门过年时的花会表演,舞龙者均为守陵人员。