- early Nan Song dynasty 南宋初年
- The official craftsmen in the Yuan dynasty,parti ally from the captiv es in the process of early conquest and from official handicraftsmen in Nan Song dynasty,were all managed by the institution of census register of craftsmen. 元代的系官工匠 ,部分来源于早期征服过程中的俘虏 ,部分接收自南宋官手工业的工匠 ,均通过匠籍制度加以维系。
- Wang Zao was a famous litterateur in the ending of Bei Song Dynasty and at the beginning of Nan Song Dynasty. 摘要汪藻是北宋末、南宋初著名文学家,他与江西诗派成员交游颇多。
- In the period of Hui Zong emperor,Nan Song Dynasty,there is a great development of Black glaze chinaware made by Jizhou kiln. 在南宋徽宗时期,吉州窑的黑釉瓷有很大的发展,中国古代手工业的生产和发展,由家庭副业、然后转为窑主、商人的经营。
- The longyan triumph turned out positively inspiring-it brought about a radical change in the overall situation, and therefore deferring the onerthrow of Nan Song Dynasty. 龙岩城抗蒙保卫战的胜利揭开了南宋末年抗蒙战争阶段性胜利的第一页,为扭转战争态势,推迟南宋的灭亡起到了重要作用。
- The second chapter hackle the development of the forgoing suites of poems on history ,defining the relations on suites of poems on history of Nan Song Dynasty and Han Dynasty and Tang Dynasty. 第二章梳理宋前咏史组诗的发展,界定南宋咏史组诗与汉魏六朝及唐代咏史组诗的关系。
- Nan Song Dynasty 南宋
- The quality of coins was in disorder in the early years of the Song Dynasty. 宋初钱币质量混乱,私钱和劣币泛滥。
- The "soul" found that as early as the Song dynasty, Guangzhou began cremation. 这座“魂”的发现,说明早在宋代,广州就开始采用火葬。
- Can be traced back to the Song Dynasty. 可以追溯到宋代。
- Descendants of the Song Dynasty emperor? 宋朝皇帝的后裔呀?
- One of eight types of kilns in the Song Dynasty. 八大窑系中的建窑系窑址之一。
- Jiao Zhi, which is called Annam in Song Dynasty. 安南,即古交趾,宋朝时始称安南。
- Did the war stop after Han and Song dynasty????? 战争在汉宋以后就停止了吗?????
- But it disappeared with the Song Dynasty. 这里究竟发生了什么?
- LIU Fang was famous pediatrist in Song dynasty. 刘昉为宋代著名的儿科学家。
- I was reciting a Song Dynasty poem. 大牛:刚才我不是在朗诵宋词嘛。
- "Quzhou dragon" originated in the Song Dynasty. “曲周龙灯”起源于宋代。
- Ningbo was an open city as early as the Tang and Song dynasties. 宁波自唐宋以来就是对外开放的城市。
- But I think the theme and style resemble a Song Dynasty painting. 但我认为主题和风格与一位宋代画家的相似。