- Try to dress appropriately for each occasion. 试图为每个场合适当地打扮。
- One each occasion their stay was brief. 每次逗留时间很短。
- On each occasion I just miss the target. 我每次总不能中靶。
- Your 21st refer as intermediary on pay basis each occasion entail no trouble. 你方21日来电收悉。如仲裁按件论酬,则不会出现问题。
- Your21st refer as intermediary on pay basis each occasion entail no trouble. 你方21日来电收悉。如仲裁按件论酬,则不会出现问题。
- In each occasion there is an affirmation that by together advancing knowledge we can extend the frontiers of human freedom. 每一次这样的机会双方都达成一种共识,即我们可以通过共同推动知识的发展来拓展人类自由的疆界。
- Each occasion is a tribute to the people of South Africa for their achievement in making a reality of shared principles and ideals. 每一次这样的机会都是南非人民将人类共有的原则和理想变成现实时所取得成就的展示。
- On each occasion they transplanted a kidney that was, immunologically speaking, a poor match for the recipient. 在每一例中,他们移植了一个从免疫学角度上来看是和接受者非常不配型的肾脏。
- Dr Bering measured the amount of time it took to press the space bar on each occasion. 白令博士测算每次每个人要花多少时间才会按下空格键。
- On each occasion, England's most capped outfield player seemed mildly affronted by what was being put to him. 其中一种-----“非常严肃”,向他提问的人坚持--与身在诺丁汉郡的埃里克森重新联手的可能性。
- Ferguson has reviewed both incidents and on each occasion, he feels the official clearly got it wrong. 弗格森都有再看过两个情况的慢镜,而他认为两次都是裁判弄错了。
- On each occasion,she has given the calves affection,protection from other lions,and even allowed their natural mothers to come and feed them. 每次这只"狮妈妈"总是给小羚羊们母亲般的"爱抚",保护它们免受其他狮子的袭击,甚至小羚羊的生母来给它们的孩子喂奶的时候,"狮妈妈"也睁一只眼闭一只眼。
- Andrea Caracciolo was becoming a constant danger and the striker had three good chances to equalise but on each occasion fired wide of the target. 安德列.;卡拉乔洛成为了米兰持续的威胁,他先后获得三次破门良机,可最终都将球打偏。
- During the Conference on Financial and Economic Work their unusual activities were discovered and on each occasion they were rebuked. 财经会议期间,发现了他们的不正常活动,每一次都给他们顶了回去。
- Thus his life will depend on your justice.But you will pardon him on each occasion;for he must be treated thriftily.He is the only one we have. 可是,你要有节制地使用这只耗子,每次判刑后都要赦免它,因为只有这一只耗子。”
- This novel mainly depicts Maggie's five rebellions, each of which represents an oscillation from self-renunciation to self-fulfillment on each occasion. 摘要此小说主要是描述玛吉的五次反叛行为,每次反叛行为皆表示她从自我牺牲至自我实现的过程。
- "On each occasion there were those who claimed F1 would fall apart. These experiences tend to make the FIA more resilient to all the hysteria," Purnell added. “每次有那些谁声称车队将土崩瓦解。这些经历往往使国际汽联更具弹性的所有歇斯底里,”佩奈尔说.
- His wealthy penitents and the sainted women of D---- had more than once assessed themselves to raise the money for a new altar for Monseigneur's oratory; on each occasion he had taken the money and had given it to the poor. 迪涅的那些有钱的女忏悔者和虔诚的妇女,多次凑了些钱,要为主教的经堂修一座美观的新祭坛,他每次把钱收下,却都送给了穷人。
- Interventricular septal thickness (IVST),posterior wall thickness (PWT) and left ventricular internal diameter (LVID),distal left anterior descending coronary arteries diameter (LADD),flow and CFR were assessed on each occasion. 测量受试者的室间隔厚度 (IVST )、左室后壁厚度 (PWT)、左室内径 (LVID)、冠状动脉左前降支远端直径 (LADD) ;
- Each occasion expresses an affinity between ideals,such as those of the tradition of learning embodied in Beijing Uni versity,and the people of South Africa's quest for justice and freedom. 每一次这样的机会都体现了双方各自奋斗目标之间的密切关系,比方说北大所代表的治学传统和南非人民对正义和自由的渴望之间的关系。