- Each institution is an autonomous statutory body with its own ordinance and governing bodies. They are free to manage their own affairs within the restraints of the law. 每所院校都是独立的法定组织,受所属法例规管,并设有本身的管治组织,在法律范围内可自行处理内部事务。
- Each institution is an autonomous statutory body with its own ordinance and governing body. They are free to manage their own affairs within the parameters of the law. 每所院校都是独立的法定组织,受所属法例规管,并设有本身的管治组织,在法律规限的范围内可自行处理内部事务。
- Students of the four-year programme will spend two years at each institution and will have a wide choices of courses from which to choose. 课程为四年全日制,两校均会提供多元化的课程供学生选择。
- They offer joint courses, and students at each institution may cross-register in courses offered by the other institution. 他们联合开办的课程,学生在每所院校可跨登记开办的其他机构。
- That each institution shall be responsible for the choice of students participation in the exchange, subject to final approval by the host institution. 各校应负责学生交换参与之提择,并在承办校方最后淮许后执行。
- That students from each institution studying abroad under this exchange agreement shall be subject to the same rules and regulations as local students. 各校学生协议下附海外研读应遵守原校方原有之规矩。
- Courses completed by students at their university will be treated as equivalencies by the home institution according to each institution's policies. 根据双方学校的政策,学生在对方学校所完成的课程等同于在自己学校所学习的课程。
- That each institution shall advise the other of the academic requirements for admission to any program, department, school or college in which students will be exchanged. 各校将依各计画,系学校或学院学术资格审查入学,以进行学生交换。
- Each institution owns different amounts of the manuscript, but the British Library, which digitized the delicate pages of the entire book in London, holds by far the most. 每一个组织都拥有不同数量的手稿,但是大不列颠图书馆是目前保持数量最多的。在伦敦,大不列颠图书馆将整本书精密的数字化。
- Each institution owns different amounts of the manuscript, but the British Library, which digitised the delicate pages of the entire book in London, holds by far the most. 每一个机构都拥有不同数量的手稿,但是大英图书馆所保存的手稿数量是迄今以来最多的,它将整本书的每一张脆弱的书页都做了数字化备份。
- I apportioned half the property to each of them. 我把财产的一半分配给他们各人。
- A web of education and social programs would intimately involve surrounding communities with each institution while improving local infrastructure and quality of life. 科学城的教育和社会计画网络将可改善地方设施和生活品质,凝聚邻近社区。
- Each and every difference contains contradiction. 每一个差异中无不包含矛盾。
- Kindly send us two samples of each class quote for. 报价时,请对每一个等级的各寄两个样品。
- The clerk attached a price tag to each article. 店员给每一件商品系上标价签。
- Please verify each item you have pricked down. 请把你已用小记号标出的每一个项目核对一下。
- The two plans meshed with each other smoothly. 这两个计划互相配合得很好。
- Each of us partook of a cake and a cup of tea. 我们每人吃了一个饼和一杯茶。
- The pupils sneaked on each other to the teacher. 学生相互向老师讲了我的坏话。
- Let's keep together or we shall lose each other. 咱们待在一块儿,否则就会失散了。