- Nevertheless, this kind of writing often slants overweight each airs his own views is not press. 不过,这类写作往往偏重于各抒己见而不是新闻报道。
- Anyhow, each airs his own views, mutual edificatory, conspire good plan, for the economy of Henan, society development exerts oneself make suggestions. 总之,各抒己见,相互启迪,共谋良策,为河南的经济、社会发展出力献策。
- Confronting with the doubt of consumer and media, Scholar each airs his own views, so the study of this problem is actually significant to real estate enterprises and consumers. 面对媒体和消费者对概念营销这一营销手段的质疑,学者们各抒己见,因而研究这个问题对房地产企业和消费者都有现实意义。
- Each airing his own views and speaking with fervour and assurance,I felt my every pore was open,like a recorder, I could recite what they said mostly. 听着大家各抒己见,侃侃而谈,我觉得自己的汗毛都张开着,脑子跟录音机似的,几乎能背下所有他们说过的话。
- Each airs his own views. 个人充分谈出自己的见解。
- Around with citizen wayleave be closely bound up take up footpath sets facilities issue, people of 33 allegation of hearing of witnesses each airs his own views, build character to make suggestions. 围绕与市民通行权息息相关的占用人行道设置设施问题,33位听证陈述人各抒己见、建言献策。
- " hope wide readership inscribes each airs his own views with respect to query of Chen Dehua place, give counsel. ”并希望广大读者就陈德华所提问题各抒己见、出谋划策。
- Expounding to great extent the traditional concepts of museum education, the author also also airs his own view about it. 作者着重介绍了对博物馆教育这个传统观念的争论,并阐述了自己对博物馆教育的见解。
- He takes ground upon his own views. 他坚持自己的意见。
- John came clean about his own views. 约翰把自己的看法全盘托出。
- I hope each participant to the current forum speak out freely and air his or her own views. 我希望这次与会的各位朋友畅所欲言,各抒己见。
- Only rarely does he let his own views become public. 他只是偶尔一次公开自己的观点。
- He can talk people over to his own views. 他能说服别人听从他的意见。
- Everybody has his own view of what happened. 对於所发生的事情,各人有各人的看法。
- He adhered (stuck) to his own views. 他坚持自己的观点。
- Each of them stuck to his own view and the question drew no conclusion. 会上大家各持已见,问题还是没有结论。
- But with regard to the creative method,everyman has his own views. 然而 ,关于创作方法 ,简直是人言言殊 ,莫衷一是。
- Everybody is at liberty to air his views. 每个人都有发表意见的自由。
- He finally succeeded in bringing his opponents into line with his own views. 他终于使他的对手赞同了自己的意见。
- Once he made bold to air his views. 有一次他大胆提出了自己的看法。