- e paul aq cal (=e paulo aquae calidae) (拉)掺少许温水
- e paul aq bull (=e paulo aquae bullientis) (拉)掺少许沸水
- e paul aq gel (=e paulo aquae gelidae) (拉)掺少许冷水
- Recently, Paul M. Gartside and E. 最近,Paul M.;Gartside和E
- Nicholas of Cusa ;edited and translated by Paul E. Sigmund = 天主教的和谐 / 库萨的尼古拉.
- Weygandt, Paul D.Kimmel, Donald E. 放大图片 作者: Jerry J.
- Peter sat next to Paul on the sofa. 彼得挨著保罗坐在沙发上。
- Paul is all clued up about literature. 保罗对文学知之甚多。
- Peter is two inches tall than paul. 彼得比保罗高2英寸。
- John informed the principal against Paul. 约翰向校长告发了保罗。
- The line AB cuts the line DC at the point E. AB线和DC线在E点相交。
- Paul handled the meeting with great finesse. 保罗极其巧妙地掌握着会议。
- The letter "e" in "mouse" is mute. “mouse”中的字母“e”不发音。
- Paul has got an excellent governess. 保罗有一位非常好的家庭女教师。
- The lines AB and CD intersect at E. 直线AB与直线CD相交於E点。
- Paul played the sonata with great finesse. 保罗以丰富的技巧弹奏了这部奏鸣曲。
- The line AB intersects the line CD at E. 直线AB与直线CD相交於E点。
- Paul likes playing very loud rock. 保罗喜欢播放很响的摇滚乐。
- You ought to do as Paul tells you. 你应按照保罗吩咐的做。
- Paul will box his opponent tomorrow evening. 明晚保罗将和他的对手进行拳击比赛。