- dynamical pore water pressure 动水压力
- Study of dynamic pore water pressure and axial strain in saturated sand-gravel composites 饱和砂砾料振动孔压与轴向应变发展模式研究
- Study on dynamic pore water pressure in silty clay interbedded with fine sand of Nanjing 南京粉质黏土与粉砂互层土及粉细砂的振动孔压发展规律研究
- Experimental study on dynamic pore water pressure of saturated cohesive soil and gravel 饱和黏性土和砂砾石料振动孔压的试验研究
- dynamic pore water pressure 振动孔压
- At last, the approximate calculation methods of pore water pressure and flowing pressure are presented. 给出土坡稳定性分析中对孔隙水压力和动水压力的近似计算方法。
- Making use of the dilatancy of phosphogypsum,the safety of phosphogypsum dam can be forecasted theoretically by the pore water pressure monitoring system. 利用磷石膏的剪切破坏发生在负孔压的这一特性,理论上可以通过坝体内孔压变化的监测来预测磷石膏坝的安全性。
- Furthermore, an instance of double disk load model was adopted to numerate the spatial and time distribution of pore water pressure. 并选取常用的双圆荷载计算模型,对饱水沥青路面孔隙水压力的空间和时间分布进行计算。
- The parameter of the pore water pressure and soil pressure are unfitted as the monitoring and forecasting index for bank collapse. 2.;内部孔隙水压力及土压力参数不适合作为崩岸的监测预测指标。
- Because of soil squeezing effect and excess pore water pressur,reconsolidation settlement will occur around soil compaction piles in saturated soft clay during pile driving. 位于饱和软粘土地基中的挤土桩,由于沉桩过程中地基土产生挤土效应及超静孔隙水压力,同时随着超静孔隙水压力的消散,桩周地基土产生再固结沉降。
- The results also showed that the relationship between the normalized pore water pressure and the generalized strain fit the bilinear model. 归一化后的孔隙水压力比与广义剪应变之间的关系可以用双曲线表示。
- On the basis of this, the paper introduce a new style of pore water pressure monitoring system which made by Institute of Hydrogeology and Engineering geology Techniques, CGS. 因此我们开始新型孔隙水压力监测系统的研制工作。
- The authors analyse the damages of groundwater on the highway slope in three aspects i. e. pore water pressure, permeable suffusion and rising and falling of groundwater level. 从孔隙水压力、渗透潜蚀、潜水位升降三方面分析地下水对公路边坡土体造成的危害,针对这些危害,提出了解决的措施,一是阻排地表水,防止水流对公路边坡的冲刷及下渗;
- Based on the laboratory dynamic consolidation tests of saturated oozy soft clay under impact loading, the dynamic response characteristics of pore water pressure were analyzed. 通过室内淤泥质饱和软粘土的动力固结试验,考虑不同锤重和落距组合情况,对冲击荷载作用下饱和软粘土孔隙水压力的动态响应特征进行分析。
- The more is principal stress deviator peak, the more possible is to emerge negative pore water pressure and to show more shear dilatation with high dry density. 干密度越大,主应力差峰值越大,表现出较大的剪胀性,孔隙水压力易出现负孔隙水压力;
- Considering the non mono tonic compression characteristics, the development of settlement will he quicker than the dissipation of excess pore water pressure. 在考虑了非单调压缩的影响因素后,软土地基中超静孔压的消散将滞后于沉降的发展。
- The testing results of soil shear strength in saturation condition and natural condition show that pore water pressure has a big influence on stabilit... 饱和状态和天然状态下土的抗剪强度试验结果表明,孔隙水压力对边坡稳定产生较大影响。
- Excess pore water pressure inceased during DJM column installation and disppeared after DJM column installation, it differs with the distance from column and depth. 粉喷桩施工使周围土体中的超孔隙水压力增大,超孔隙水压力随距桩心距离和深度的不同而不同,并且超孔隙水压力在施工结束后逐渐消散,加打排水板使得桩周土体的超孔隙水压力值提高的幅度降低,达到最大值的时间和消散时间缩短,这有利于加大土体固结的程度和缩短固结时间;
- Through the test, the data of the pore water pressure, settlement and horizontal displacement etc are obtained and the variation law of them is analyzed. 通过现场试验,取得了加固区内的孔隙水压力、沉降、水平位移等资料,分析了它们的变化规律。
- So,a stress coefficient depending on the porosity of medium is proposed to determine the value of internal water pressure in medium and in pore water,respectively. 提出采用取决于岩土介质孔隙率的应力系数来确定隧洞边界上衬砌(围岩)介质和孔隙水分别承担的内水压力值。