- Wind tunnel tests of rigid and aeroelastic model were carried out to investigate the influence of windward sudden opening on static and dynamic wind load for flat roof structures. 采用刚性模型和气动弹性模型风洞试验,研究迎风面突然开孔对平屋盖结构静动力风荷载的影响。
- Finite element method is applied to analyze the windage of suspension insulator strings under dynamic wind loads. 针对传统计算方法的不足,采用有限单元法计算分析动态风作用下悬垂绝缘子串的风偏。
- Simulation of Dynamic Wind Load on the Hefei Television Tower 合肥电视塔人造脉动风荷载的仿真计算
- With the increase of span-length and height, the wind effects on these more flexible structures have not been confined to static wind loading, and the dynamic wind effects due to various wind-induced vibrations must be considered. 随著结构跨度和高度的增大,风对这些柔性结构的作用就不限于静力风荷载,而必须考虑各种风致振动问题,以及由此引起的动力风效应。
- dynamic wind load 动态风荷
- This paper derives formulae for spatial wind-induced dynamic response of cantilevered roofs and presents calculation practical method for equivalent static wind load. 本文推导了悬挑屋盖空间动力响应的理论公式,提出了等效静力风荷载实用计算方法。
- The wind load resistance is80 N/ m2 for maximum sizes, i. e.11 m/ s. 最大尺寸门的抗风压能力为80牛顿/2,即11米/。
- dynamic wind loads 动力风荷载
- 3-D dynamic wind loads 高频测力天平
- Building its model by unit method,simulation the process of bridge construction,research its structure dynamic performance and the stress and the shape changed under wind load can give reference for construction and controlling bridge. 利用有限元方法建立其模型,模拟桥梁的施工过程,研究其结构动力学特性和风荷载作用下的应力和变形,可为桥梁施工和控制提供参考。
- With the I- DEAS, this article establishes the finite element m odel of the boarding lounge, and analyses the dynamic respond when the model enc ounters the changed impacting load of the pressure cylinder and the wind load. 这里运用I-DEAS建立了残疾旅客登机车的有限元模型,对所建模型进行了模态分析,并进一步分析了模型在液缸换级和承受风载荷时的动态响应。
- Wind load is always the major or even the decisive load applied to long-span spatial structures, so much more attention is paid to dynamic response of reticulated shell structures under wind load. 摘要风荷载在大跨度屋盖结构设计中常常起主要甚至决定性作用,这使得该类结构的风荷载及风致动力响应研究日益受到关注与重视。
- Wind loads are not a significant factor for structural design. 风载荷对于结构设计就成了没有意义的因素。
- Research on wind is the precondition of wind response, then the section plane of static wind, intensity of onflow, PSD function and correlativity of dynamic wind are involved in. 对风的研究是进行风振响应研究的前提,风的基本特征包括平均风速剖面、湍流强度、脉动风功率谱密度函数、脉动风的空间相关性以及极端风速的概率统计特性。
- There appears some flexibility at the top of tower with high ratio of height to diameter (H/D),caused by wind load. 高径比(H/D)较大的塔在风载荷的作用下,在塔顶处会引起一定的静挠度。
- If a tarpaulin/ sheeting is secured to the scaffolding, has the scaffolding been designed to withstand the additional wind load? 如果脚手架上固定了帆布/皮,脚手架的设计能力能够承受额外的风力负荷吗?
- Firstly the pulse wind load was determined and time process curve simulation of the pulse wind load was done by AR method. 首先确定了点支式玻璃幕墙鱼腹式柔性支承体系所承受的风荷载,运用AR法对脉动风荷载进行了模拟;
- This time the entire structure of the high-rise building wind load resistance all the strength and stiffness to achieve maximum efficiency. 这个时候此高层建筑的整个结构抵抗风荷载的所有强度和刚度将达到最大的效率。
- Aeroelasticity Matters: Some reflections on Two Decades of Testing in the NASA Lanley Transonic Dynamics wind Tunnel. 气动弹性问题:nasa兰利跨声速动力学风洞20年试验的几点思考。