- dynamic grain refinement 动力晶粒细化
- Abstract The grain refinement of the heat resisting steel pipe can be achieved using the method of dynamic effect during the solidifiction of steel in centrifugally electroslag casting. 在电渣离心浇铸耐热钢管凝固过程中,采用动态效应的方法,可以达到细化晶粒的目的。
- The grain refinement begins from the center ellipsoidal zone, and then gradually expands to the vertical edge zone and conical contact zone. 细化首先开始于易变形区,再相继扩展到纵向棱边区和接触锥形区。
- The chemical composition,grain refinement methods,application situation and progress in wrought Al-Mn alloy were summarized. 综述了变形铝锰合金的化学成分、细化方法、应用现状及发展动态。
- The trunk will probably rupture when convection happens,and will result in spontaneous grain refinement in deeply undercooled melts. 当过冷度足够大时;一次枝晶可能发生缩颈;并在对流作用下于缩颈处熔断;导致晶粒的自身细化.
- Iwahashi Y, Horita Z, Nemoto M, et al.Process of grain refinement in equal-channel angular pressing [J].Acta Materialia, 1998, 46(9): 3317. 陆文林;王勇;冯泽舟;等.;沙漏挤压镦粗复合加工技术[J]
- Grain refinement, texture controlling and nonbasal slip system activation improve ductility of magnesium alloy remarkably, which are promising methods. 细化晶粒、控制织构、激活非基面滑移系可以显著改善镁合金的塑性,是较有前景的塑性改善方法。
- The mechanisms for ferrite grain refinement in TMCP mainly depends on the static ferrite transformation from work -hardened austenite... TMCP的晶粒细化主要靠加工硬化奥氏体的静态铁素体转变。新工艺晶粒细化主要靠形变诱导动态铁素体相变。
- This can obtain high cast.Cast crack of castings is prevented by grain refinement, strengthening deoxygen and dephosphorization. 通过采取细化晶粒、强化脱氧、脱磷来预防铸件产生裂纹。
- At the present time, the researches on ZK60 magnesium alloys were focused on the grain refinement, superplasticity and composite material. 目前对于ZK60镁合金的研究主要集中在挤压态坯料的晶粒细化、超塑性、复合材料等方面,对于铸态ZK60镁合金的变形行为研究较少。
- The effect of stable magnetic field on grain refinement was investigated in the case of low carbon Mn Nb steel transformation from austenite to ferrite and pearlite. 研究了在低碳锰铌钢的奥氏体向铁素体和珠光体转变的过程中外加稳恒磁场的晶粒细化作用。
- The results showed that adding 0.2%Sc and 0.1%Zr to Al 5Mg alloy leads to strong grain refinement but adding only 0.2%Sc to Al 5Mg alloy has no grain refinement phenomenon. 结果发现,0?2%25的Sc并未使Al?Mg合金产生晶粒细化作用,而0?2%25的Sc与0?1%25的Zr复合添加则使Al?Mg合金产生了极其强烈的晶粒细化作用。
- In order to increase yield strength of commercial microalloyed steel from 400MPa to 800MPa, grain refinement and high purity are taken into consideration. 为了将目前商业化微合金钢的屈服强度由40MPa级提高到800MPa级;拟采用超细晶粒和高洁净度的方法来提高强度和寿命.
- When the critical particales did occur with high volume density after overaging, their distribution also had a sinificant effect on the final grain refinement. 并且进一步得出,在质点的尺寸 满足临界条件之后,质点的分布对再结晶后的晶粒尺寸影响颇大。
- Hallum, D. L. and Baeslack, W. A., “Nature of Grain Refinement in Titanium Alloy Welds by Microcooler Inoculation,” welding journal, pp. 326-336, September 1990. 高道钢,钛焊接技术,全华科技图书股份有限公司,台北,第二章第3-10
- Surface grain refinement of turbine blades in Ni based superalloy K18 were studied by comparison of experimental results in different alloys and mold surface materials. 选用K18合金和纯金属镍及不同的面层细化料,通过实验对比研究了镍基高温合金叶片表面晶粒细化机理。
- Kepima,Yoshiyuki W,Yoshio T,et al.Ferrite Grain Refinement by Large Reduction per Pass in Non-recrystallization Temperature Region of Austenite[J].ISIJ International,1996,36(5):6301. 冯光宏;李岩;戴蓓蓉;等.;在未再结晶区大压下后加速冷却工艺对钢板带状组织的影响[J]
- The results indicate that the treatment with Al-Ti-CaSi addition is more advantageous than that with Ti or CaSi alone in many respects as inclusion shape control, grain refinement etc. 结果表明:Al-Ti-CaSi复合处理的钢在诸如夹杂物形状控制、晶粒细化等方面,都优于单独钛处理或CaSi处理的钢。
- Al 5Mg, Al 5Mg 0.2Sc, Al 5Mg 0.1Zr and Al 5Mg 0.2Sc 0.1Zr cast alloys have been prepared. The effect of trace Sc and Zr on grain refinement of Al 5Mg cast alloy was studied using optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy with EDS. 制备了Al?5Mg、Al?5Mg?0.;2Sc、Al?5Mg?0
- Modification time and content of Ce have the significant effects on grain refinement in the eutectic Al-Si alloy. The desirable modification effects can be observed with 1% Ce addition for 60~90 min. Ce的变质处理时间和加入量也会影响变质效果,Ce在共晶Al-Si合金中的最佳加入量(质量分数,下同)为1%25,最佳变质处理时间为60~90min。