- We build a dynamic game model to formalize this situation. 本文建立了一个动态博弈模型来分析这一状况。
- Through a two stage dynamic game model, this paper discloses the adverse selection problem in the merger &Acquisition of the listed companies. 摘要通过一个二阶段完全信息动态博弈模型,证明了上市公司并购中普遍存在的逆向选择问题;
- Based on the game mechanism,a complete information dynamic game model for equilibrium optimization of project subcontract JIT procurement was built. 建立了工程分包JIT采购的博弈论模型,确定了工程分包JIT采购博弈效用函数,给出了求解工程分包JIT采购博弈模型的均衡优化算法。
- By analyzing these multidimensional static game model and these multidimensional dynamic game model, Nash equilibriums of the two game models are obtained respectively. 通过分析这种多维静态博弈和这种多维动态博弈,分别得到了两个博弈模型的纳什均衡。
- Next, through constructing a non- complete information dynamic game model, it has produced a certificate to the above economical property rights defined process. 其次,通过构建一个非完全信息动态博弈模型,对上述经济中的产权界定过程给出了一个证明。 最后是应用模型所给出的结论对我国一些产权制度的现实问题所进行的讨论。
- Through establishing a dynamic game model with complete information,the game process of cooperative process innovation between enterprise and research organization is analyzed. 通过建立一个完全信息动态博弈模型,分析了企业与研究机构合作进行工艺创新的博弈过程;
- Through establishing a dynamic game model with complete information, the game process of cooperative process innovation between enterprise and research organization is analyzed. 摘要通过建立一个完全信息动态博弈模型,分析了企业与研究机构合作进行工艺创新的博弈过程;
- The paper studies the optimum management level of the project firm in the BOT project by the dynamic game model between the government and the project firm. 本文根据政府和项目公司的博弈关系,通过建立动态博弈模型研究了在BOT项目中,项目公司应具备的管理水平。
- In railway projects financed by BOT mode, a full information dynamic game model is employed, which explores the game analysis between the investors and the customers of railway transport. 在 BOT方式投资修建的铁路建设项目中 ,采用完全信息动态博弈模型 ,探讨了投资者与铁路运输客户之间的博弈分析。
- Based on the study above, A imperfect information dynamic game model and Mark Carey (1990)'s land model were used to make an analysis on the symbiotic and mutually reinforcing relationship between real estate market and financial system. 在上述研究的基础上,本文应用不完全信息博弈模型和Mark Carey(1990)的地产模型运用分析了房地产市场与金融系统之间的共生共荣、相互强化的紧密联系,并在此基础上进一步剖析了房地产泡沫引发金融危机的主要机理和原因。
- A dynamic game model based on different decision rules is established in electric power triopoly market provided producers make decisions with static expectation and bounded rationality, respectively. 摘要在三寡头垄断的电力市场中假设生产者分别采用静态预期及有限理性预期规则,建立了一个基于不同决策规则的动态博弈模型。
- Firstly, this study establishes a dynamic game model with imperfect information and analyses how TTP’s service affects the outcomes and strategies of the buyers and seller in this C2C market. 其一,通过建立不完美信息动态博弈模型,分析第三方中介对C2C市场中买卖双方博弈得益和策略的影响;
- Dynamic Game Model of Upstream Firm's Merging While Facing Entry Threat 上游市场进入的企业兼并动态博弈模型
- An Analysis of the Dynamic Game Model for Interactive Business Operation and Inspection Strategy and Policy Suggestions 业务运营监管策略互动的动态博弈模型分析和政策建议
- A Dynamic Game Model of the Tripartite Extended Deterrence with Incomplete Information 一种三方不完全信息延伸威慑动态博弈模型
- Imperfect Information Dynamic Game Model Analysis on Distortion of Statistical Data 统计数据失真的动态博弈分析
- Industrial Equilibrium Analysis on Vertical Integration Production and Non-integration Production Based on A Dynamic Game Model 纵向一体化与非一体化生产方式的产业竞争博弈模型
- Insight to Formation Mechanism and Countermeasure of the Bad Debt Loss Rate: Based on the Multi-Stage Dynamic Game Model 基于多阶段态博弈模型的中国外贸高坏账率形成机理及对策研究
- An Analysis of Market Efficiency and Equilibrium Prerequisite Based on an Incomplete Information Dynamic Game Model for Enterprise's Equity Issuing Pricing Policy 股票发行定价:基于不完全信息动态博弈模型的市场效率及均衡条件分析
- Study on Dynamic Games Model between A Supplier and A Buyer Based on Advanced Order Strategy 基于提前订购策略的供需双方动态博弈模型研究