- dynamic fuzzy expert database 动态模糊专家数据库
- Designing of Dynamic Fuzzy Expert System DFL-Based 基于DFL的动态模糊专家系统设计
- A fuzzy expert system for defect inspection of TFT-LCD is proposed. 摘要提出了一种基于模糊专家系统的薄膜晶体管液晶显示器(TFT-LCD)缺陷检测技术。
- Abraham Kandel, ”Fuzzy expert system”, CRC Press, Inc., 1992. 邓聚龙,“灰色系统理论与应用”,高立图书有限公司,1999。
- It consists of three parts:data reconciliation,process monitoring,and fuzzy expert system.Due to the char... 该系统由数据校正、过程监测和模糊专家系统三部分组成,采用开放式结构,具有良好的易维护性和可扩充性。
- The monitor system displayed real-time data of device context in motion picture, at the same time, the system could communicate with expert database system by DDE in real time. 同时,该监控软件使用动态数据交换DDE技术实现了与专家系统的实时通信。
- dynamic fuzzy (DF) and active database DF主动数据库
- The primary aim is to discuss somemethods to deal with fuzzy knowledge and itsapplication in fuzzy expert system of APCD. 这些方法在飞机总体外形模糊设计专家系统(ACDS-FES)中都得到应用。
- The agricultural expert database system of the fruiter planting is established by needs analysis of agricultural production and management, intelligent arithmetic and data study. 通过对农业生产经营活动的需求分析,采用智能化算法进行数据挖掘,建立起果树种植农业专家系统;
- Based on Dynamic Fuzzy Set, the Dynmic Fuzzy Measure theorem is proposed in this paper. 基于动态模糊集;提出动态模糊测度理论.
- The system,being a generalpurpose one,also can be used to other similar expert systems,and can be a framework of expert database of similar systems after modified. 该系统还可以用于其他类似的专家系统,具有一定的通用性,通过改进,也可以作为类似系统的专家数据库的骨架系统。
- On the basis of a evolving clustering method (ECM), a new modeling approach of T-S type dynamic fuzzy inference model is proposed. 摘要以一种进化聚类算法(ECM)为基础,提出了一种新的T-S型动态模糊推理模型的建模算法。
- Furthermore, fuzzy expert system is employed to representing the uncertainty knowledge of the hydroelectric generating units. 针对水电机组的多层次故障诊断结构,研究了其诊断专家知识面向对象的表示方法;
- Based-on Dynamic Fuzzy Logic, we proposed a DFL agent logical model and a problem solving model based on multi-agent. 基于动态模糊逻辑(DFL)给出了DFL agent的逻辑模型,建立一个基于多agent的问题求解模型。 主要包括以下几个方面的工作:
- The paper designs a inference model of fuzzy expert system using fuzzy theory combined with genetic knowledge representation algorithm. 本文运用模糊理论结合产生式知识表示法,构造了一个模糊诊断专家系统的推理模型。
- A.Lekova and D.Batanov, ”Self-Testing and Self-Learning Fuzzy Expert System for Technological Process Control,” Computer in Industry, Vol.37, pp.135-141, 1998. 李志辉,”模糊控制器应用于磁浮轴承之设计与实现”,交通大学机械工程学研究所,硕士论文,民83。
- This paper introduces some ways to implement expert database systems in relational database and suggests some ways to think about expert database systems in flight record data analysis. 文中介绍了基于关联资料库的专家资料库系统的实现方法,给出了在飞行记录资料分析中应用专家资料库系统的思路。
- This thesis tried to do some researches on reasoning model of DFL, because there were only simple models on the aspect and we wished to enrich the dynamic fuzzy theory system. 因此,本文试图在动态模糊逻辑(DFL)的推理方面做些工作,以进一步丰富动态模糊逻辑(DFL)的内容。
- Due to this,propose default assumption reasoning based on DFL. Here,introduce the reasoning frame,dynamic fuzzy knowledge representation,reasoning algorithms and so on. 因此文中针对研究对象以及它们之间的动态模糊性,提出了基于动态模糊逻辑(DFL)的缺省假设推理,并给出了缺省假设推理的框架描述、动态模糊(DF)知识的表示以及推理算法等。
- Designing of Expert Database Systems Based on DFS 基于DFS的专家数据库系统设计