- dynamic evolution method 动态演化方法
- Abstract: In this paper,the contour evolution method of numerically-controlled electrochemical machining is described. 文摘:阐述了数控展成电解加工中展成运动的实现方法。
- In this paper, the dynamic evolution process of coastline in North Jiangsu since 10 kaB. 以来苏北海岸线的动态演变过程,结果表明:全新世本区曾遭受海侵。
- In this paper,the contour evolution method of numerically-controlled electrochemical machining is described. 阐述了数控展成电解加工中展成运动的实现方法。
- The dynamic evolution of these rings is demonstrated, corroborating the measurement process. 给出了测量过程中的干涉环图样的动态变化过程。
- The dynamic evolution of self and nonself, the presentation of the antigen, and the generation of the antibody are proposed. 分析了计算机病毒的逻辑结构,建立了自体和非自体的演化方程、抗原提呈及抗体生成方法。
- Safety evolution method of framework of deep sea HOV is also discussed.This test research can be used as a reference for such type of tests. 同时,本文将试验结果与理论分析进行了比较,对大深度载人潜水器框架结构的安全评估等内容进行了探讨,可供以后的类似试验作为参考依据。
- The variance of circular economy institution is not only an extrinsic issue, but also a process of intrinsic dynamic evolution. 循环经济制度的确立不仅是一个制度的外生问题,还是一个内生的动态演化过程。
- Localization is an embedded and dynamic evolution process, with the deepening interactions with local institutions and local assent. 地方化的镶嵌是一个动态的过程,本文发现跨界不动产仲介业随著时间的演进,企业经营网络会与地方制度、地方行动者及地方资产互动,到最后形成如蛛网理论一般收敛至地方发展。
- The new system reliability indices and the optimal inspection policy are obtained by using probability analysis and the density evolution method in stochastic models. 利用概率分析和随机模型的密度演化方法,导出了系统的一些新的可靠性指标和最优检测策略。
- This paper presents an interface structure of evolving software, which supports for dynamic evolution of software without modifying the original program and recomplication. 本文提出了支持软件进化的界面结构,它能在不修改源程序的基础上实现界面的动态演变。
- The karat affects various processes in the whole hydrologic cycle and leads to dynamic evolution of the interaction between the surface water and ground water. 成层岩溶影响到多个水文过程,地表水与地下水转换随着岩溶发育而动态变化。
- It is based on the new concept of the multi-layer chromosomes in gene expression programming and uses two-level evolution method, whose main idea is to embed Genetic Algorithm in GE. 该算法在基因表达式程序设计的基础上引入了多层染色体,并采用与遗传算法相嵌套的二级演化方法。利用染色体构建的层次调用模型对个体进行表达,用基因表达式程序设计方法优化模型结构,遗传算法。
- An iterative algorithm integrating a label-marking method and a new heuristic algorithm-shuffled complex evolution method (SCE-UA) was designed to solve the lower and upper models. 采用一种迭代的算法,分别使用标号法和启发式算法SCE-UA对下层和上层模型进行求解。
- Firstly, we analysis the physics model of measurement system, then we advanced the optimized model and its solution using Penalty Function Method, Simplex Evolution Method and Simulate Anneal Method. 在分析了测量的辐射物理模型的基础上,提出了优化重建模型,进而提出了将罚函数法、模拟退火法、单纯形法结合起来的切实可行的重建算法。
- In the paper, the time-serial generalization principal component analysis (GPCA) was implied to study the dynamic evolution of science and technology competitveness of colleges and universities in province area of China. 本文将具有时序性特征的全局主成分分析(GPCA)方法引入我国省域高校科技竞争力动态演化研究之中。
- Using the characteristics of dynamic evolution image about precursory abnormities of short-tern before 3 strong earthquakes with M(subscript S)6 in Xinjiang, we obtain some results as following. 摘要分析了新疆3次6级强震前的短期前兆异常动态演化图像特征。
- Meanwhile, the investigated plots of main communities were marked by fixing iron-pipes and plastic plates, which would be advantaged to observing the dynamic evolution in the future. 论文在全面植被调查的基础上,对各主要群落类型进行样地标志,为将来的动态演替研究提供基础。
- DNA shuffling has been one of the most effective directed evolution methods since reported in 1994. 摘要自1994年首次提出至今,DNA改组已经成为定向进化最为有效的方法之一。
- Dependent on the theory of"evolution"which Darwin advanced. We have advanced a evolutional idea of"S-boxes pool", and show evolutional method and evolutional algorithm. 根据生物学中达尔文提出的“进化论”思想,提出了一种通过进化“S盒进化池”来产生高安全强度S的方法,同时给出了具体的进化方法和进化算法。