- The HGTE package is designed to deliver even sportier, more dynamic driving. 的HGTE套件是设计来提供更动感,更有力推动。
- The BMW Z4 Roadster′s electromechanical power steering makes for an even more dynamic drive. bmw Z4双人敞篷跑车的电动机械式助力转向系统使驾驶更具动感。
- The chassis system Dynamic Drive also reduces roll movements of the BMW 5-Series Security on bends to a minimum. 底盘系统的动态驱动器还降低了滚动运动的宝马5系列的弯安全到最低限度。
- The Sport Package includes upgraded wheels, sport suspension, and Dynamic Driving Control, which tightens the steering and sharpens throttle response. 运动版配置包含有升级轮毂、运动悬挂、动态驾驭控制系统。
- The progressive engine philosophy applied at Volkswagen links dynamic driving pleasure with fuel economy and protection of the environment. 应用于大众的进步的发动机哲学连接了带燃油经济性和环境保护的动力驾驶乐趣。
- The extra-wide B-pillar indicates a longer wheelbase, and a slightly wider track should ensure a more dynamic drive than the current car. 额外的全B柱显示较长的轴距,和更广泛的跟踪略有应确保更有活力的驱动器比目前的汽车。
- In this paper,a new dynamic driving power for vibrating drill press with piezoelectric actuator,which is composed of D/A card,magnified electrocircuit,and high voltage DC circuit. 介绍一种高压可调大功率动态驱动电源的设计,它用于高速微小孔振动钻床振动装置的压电陶瓷激振器,可以实现压电陶瓷的可控振动,其主要由D/A控制卡、放大电路、高压直流电源电路等几部分组成。
- And last but not least, the electronically controlled BMW Dynamic Drive also comes in the M Sports Package for the 7-series. 最后但并非最不重要,电子控制的宝马动态驱动器还配备在M运动套件的7系列。
- Sporting a 4.7-litre V8 engine, the luxury sports sedan benefits from several tweaks that its makers say will sharpen its sportiness and help it in delivering a dynamic drive. 体育4.;7升V8发动机的豪华运动轿车利益若干调整,其制造商表示,将突出其运动,并帮助它在提供一个充满活力的驱动
- Design of dynamic driving LCD controller chip 动态驱动LCD视频控制芯片的设计
- We are looking for dynamic persons to be salesmen. 我们正在寻找充满活力的销售人员。
- Design and research of a dynamic driving power of piezoelectric chinaware 压电陶瓷动态驱动电源的设计与研究
- Driving Suitability Test for Coach Drivers with Dynamic Driving Simulator 客车驾驶员驾驶适宜性的动态模拟驾驶测试
- A Study on the Dynamic Driving Mode Simulation of Automotive Powertrain with AT AT汽车动力传动系动态工况模拟
- Development of a Dynamic Driving Line Power for Piezoelectric Ceramic Actuator 压电陶瓷驱动器线性动态驱动电源的研制
- Design and Analysis for Dynamic Drive System in 3303Tipper Used for Mine 3303矿用自卸车动力传动系统的设计与分析
- Every dynamic system needs continuous readjustment. 每一动态系统都需要不断地再调整。
- Dynamic drive model of double -faced giant magnetostrictive thin films 超磁致伸缩双面薄膜的动态驱动模型
- The conflict process is a dynamic phenomenon. 冲突过程是一种动态现象。
- This is the first main crux of dynamic theory. 这是动态学说第一个主要的难题。